I Learned The away How to Be A Pilot

Hans Lin
CA-G7 Journal
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2019

How to be a qualified pilot?

The way to be a junior pilot is like a marathon training and you are good at mental maths.

When I was taking a pilot training course in California. I have learned some skills, good attitudes, and positive thoughts. Here I am going to share three significant things about what did I learn from as a student pilot.

Firstly, I should pay attention to the preflight check, because it relatives to you and your passengers’ safety. Also, it’s a serious action before you go to flight. Therefore, I learned about its important check everything can work properly before any activity. Following checklist to make sure that everything is under controlled. To know more and more knowledge from the materials of school, youtube, and information permitted by the FAA.

Secondly, there are three vital attitudes. e.g.

One is ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish,’ which was said by Steve Jobs. The other one is ‘Learn to Walk Before You Fly.’ That does not rush quickly and fast. The meaning is thinking three steps before you do it. And finally is ‘Every Man is His Own Worst Enemy.’ Its talk about no one can’t stop you except yourself. These three attitudes I learned from my flight instructor who was graduated from the University of Embry-Riddle.

Finally, Never, never, and never give up. Anytime to keep positive thoughts, because people often confidence were

combatted by someone criticized and something you failed. Facing any problems, avoid lazy behaviors, and work out on solutions. If you don’t have a strong

mind, you would be destroyed by your actions.

