Verna Chen
CA-G7 Journal
Published in
1 min readOct 11, 2019


The Importance of Learning About Other Cultures

Every country has its own culture. There are couple of reasons that why learning about other cultures is important.

Firstly, decrease the possibility to misunderstand the world around you.

In western culture, children usually live without parents after they graduated from school. While in eastern culture, children live with their parents until they get married. It seems that family is not valuable in western culture. However, the value of family is important in both cultures.

Next, learning about other cultures gives you the ability to have conversations with foreigners.

It’s necessary to learn a little bit from who you are talking to. If the person is from India, he/she will not interested in the topics of steaks.

Finally, cultures exits in everywhere.

If you want to be a successful businessperson. More you learn about this world, more professional you will be in business.

