The Reason Why We All Share This Common Action of Eating Meals With Other People

Pei-hsiang Lee
CA-G7 Journal
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2019
  1. Common interest

When you want to hold an activity to invite people, what kind of activities will come to your mind? Karaoke, some people might say that they don’t like singing. How about watching a movie together? However, you can’t interact with your friends while you are watching a movie. Why don’t we go to play paintball? Some people might say I would rather stay at home. Obviously, savoring delicious food is a common interest between people.

2. show your sincere

Think about that if you are willing to spending time to have a meal with someone, which means you care about that person. You will know and interact with each other during a meal. Sometimes you want to appreciate people what they have done to you. You can treat those people to show your appreciation. Most people will accept the invitation because not only everyone have to eat every day, but also it is a place to build a relationship with people.

3. Common topic

When you first time to meet strangers or date with someone, what kind of topic are you going to talk about? I think talking about food is a good choice because you don’t need to worry to offend people. While you are eating, you can talk about the food you eat, and share some ideas about how to cook it. It is a good way to avoid embarrassing situation.



Pei-hsiang Lee
CA-G7 Journal

當過地理教師,現在是科技業PM,本專欄主要分享個人對生活、學習、投資、職涯的經驗與想法,歡迎和我交流,一起學習成長。I was a geography teacher, and I work in the tech industry as a PM. Here is my column to share my pers