Why do you think it’s important to learn about other cultures?

Juta Lin
CA-G7 Journal
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2019

We are living in a vibrant multicultural country, so it’s great that we want to understand cultures other than your own. Therefore, we embrace cultural differences, and learn how to talk to people from different backgrounds which you have to respect other people’s opinions. However, actively trying to understand and embrace cultural differences can open you up to a whole world of exciting new possibilities and experiences.

People coming from Singapore,Malaysia,Canada, French, and Taiwan cooperated in a team during the summer vacation.

Be more accepting

Sometimes it’s not all that easy to gain an understanding of cultural difference, for whatever reason. In these situations, the best approach is just to acknowledge that some people are different and to accept that that’s okay.

Become self-aware

Work out your own beliefs, values and personal biases. It can be confronting, but by doing this you’ll be able to think about how these traits might impact on your approach to and understanding of differences.

Everyone is unique

The main thing to remember is that everyone, no matter what their cultural background, has different opinions, habits and ways of life. The sooner you accept that everyone is different, the easier it becomes to understand and embrace cultural differences.

