CA-G7 Journal
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2019


Why you do think we all share this common action of eating meals with other people? What do you think this tells you about all people regardless of culture, location, religion, backgrounds, etc.?

I think that we all share this common action is because we all treat everyone equally. We do this action to show respect to everyone. No matter what racial or ethnic you are, people are all equal. We are one of the kind, so we shouldn’t put discriminations on each other. Everyone deserve to be treat well and nicely.

We should learn about different cultures, religion and location. We should be comprehensive, and try our best to get along with others. That’s the most important things we learn in this class, being comprehensive.

In Culture Awareness course we covered many topics. The main ideas is not only learn about the differences between different cultures, but also after you learn about these things what can you do. If we can put away all preconceived ideas, then we can easily Integrate into this global society. I believe that most of us have learned about this idea, so we will definitely do well in the future.

