Top 5 Herbs for Lucid Dreaming — Navigate Your Dreams

Dream herbs: Vivid dreams, better dream recall, and deeper sleep. Let Nature Heal You.

Alexandre Porto


dream herbs for lucid dreams
Top 5 Dream Herbs — Painting by Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The oneirogenic plants (óneiros = “dream” and gen = “to create) are a group of herbs and plants that are able to enhance the dream state and increase the chances of lucid dreaming:

Lucid dreamers who use herbs as allies for subconscious exploration report that the use of oneirogenic plants improves dream exploration by making the dream:

  • Appear more vividly and clear than usual: Rich in color, details, and allegories;
  • Easier to recall;

During the lucid dream, the person is aware of the fact that is dreaming without waking up.

To experience the lucid dream state is like living vicariously through a second life during the sleep-state, where the contact with our subconscious happens effortlessly, and exploring our dreams changes completely!

In ancient times, the indigenous population of Mexico and South Africa already knew about the dream plants: they widely used them in rituals and traditional ceremonies as tools to communicate with the spirits, their ancestors, or with people from far away places.



Alexandre Porto

Pieces of the integral man. Specialist in the responsible use of psychedelics.