My 4-year Cabify journey

Roberto Pérez
May 17, 2018


I joined Cabify in June 2014 after traveling around the world for six months. This is relevant for two reasons:

  1. To travel is important in itself. So, if you’re thinking of going on a big trip, don’t hesitate, just do it! It will completely change your outlook and your entire life. Then continue reading this when you get back, it may help you ;)
  2. My decision to take such a long break was the main factor for me being rejected by Juan de Antonio (CEO) and Sam Lown (CTO at the time). They perceived me as lacking enthusiasm for the product.

TL;DR: Juan says my career sounds good but he feels I don’t have much enthusiasm in the project…

If you want to continue reading the rest of the post you can do so on the Cabify Tech blog.

