8 Best Kitchen Design Tips for Your Vacation Home

Cabinet DIY
Cabinet DIY
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2017

There is an old saying that the house having a busy kitchen perhaps is a happy home. Kitchens are an integral part of a home, it brings the members of the house together at one place and turn your house into a happy one.

While talking about the kitchen design ideas in your Vacation home, I would like to share some of my ideas with you. Vacation homes are places where we can go for a short period of time to enjoy our brief stay. Kitchens in these vacation homes are not functional throughout the year but at time of vacations or occasions, they become most functional.

Most of the people who own a vacation home, give these houses on rent. While you are thinking of putting your vacation home on rent, you need to take into consideration the market value of your kitchen. You may not be using it everyday, but people staying in there on rent will use it regularly. You need to design your kitchen in such a way that whoever uses it, can feel comfortable while working there.

Keep everything ready and properly functioning in the kitchen. From microwave to cutleries, all must be in a good state.

There are a lot of kitchen design ideas on the Internet. You just need to search it and thousands of ideas will drop in within a second. But here you will get a logical and systematic kitchen design tips that you can actually apply in your kitchen:

1. Look around your kitchen

Have a careful look at your kitchen. Do you think it needs some renovation? If yes, then note down all the renovations that are required and get it done as soon as possible. Repair all the wears and tears, plumbing and electrical works that need to be done.

2. Take ideas from your neighbor’s kitchen

Have a look at the kitchens in your neighborhood and get an idea how your kitchen design should be according to the area, way of living and atmosphere of the place. This will help you get the right idea for your kitchen.

3. Basic things for kitchen

Analyze the most basic things in a kitchen. Gas stove or a burner, microwave, fridge, cutleries etc. These are the most important thing in a kitchen and you can’t think of a kitchen without these.

4. Get a microwave

If you have a microwave in your vacation home, do monitor whether it functions properly or not. Microwaves are a must have, even the hotel rooms keep microwave these days. People who will take the vacation home on rent, will get very disappointed if they do not see a microwave in the kitchen.

5. Keep a refrigerator

Next in line is the refrigerator. Refrigerator must be a functional one and properly cleaned both inside and outside. In between the rentals, keep a proper cleaning routine. Instruct your cleaners to clean up the fridge properly and keep it fresh. In this manner keep everything clean and arranged in the kitchen.

6. Location of Vacation Homes

Generally these vacation homes are located in beautiful locations like near the sea and the mountains. Therefore, if you can design a small kitchen at the exterior of the house, people can enjoy some barbecue meal out there.

7. Keep Latest Appliances

Keep all the latest kitchen appliances in the vacation home. These appliances will raise both its value and beauty.

8. Spacious Kitchen

Lastly, if you have a small kitchen, try to avail a little more space for the kitchen, is it possible. A spacious kitchen is loved by all.

These are some basic and most important kitchen design ideas for the kitchen in your vacation home. Incorporate these ideas while designing the kitchen and you will see how beautiful and valuable your kitchen will be.

