Maximize Your Tiny Kitchen Space with These RTA Kitchen Cabinet Design Ideas

Cabinet DIY
Cabinet DIY
4 min readJul 24, 2018


Play smart and get the most out of your meager kitchen space with RTA kitchen cabinets.

Kitchen space is a thing that everybody wants in abundance. The more we have the more we need, as the kitchen houses a mini-universe inside it. Be it large utensils or appliances, your kitchen has to have space for everything. But, getting ample kitchen space is not always possible, especially in the era of cramped apartments and flats, which keep us confined within a few square feet.

So, how can we best make use of the available space?

Keep reading and find out for yourself.

We know that getting ample kitchen space is the thing which every house owner yearns for the most. But, you can properly utilize the available space by undertaking some basic amendments to the existing design of your kitchen. No need to go for an entire kitchen makeover. Just some simple modifications in your RTA kitchen cabinets will do the job effortlessly. Here are some of our mind-blowing yet easy-to-install design ideas.

Crease It Up — A fold-out RTA kitchen cabinet is indeed a life-saver when you are dealing with a space crunch. An interesting and highly useful innovation, it definitely deserves recognition for its peerless functionality and the amount of space that it saves in your kitchen. you can also add as many shelves as you want to these fold-out cabinets. This can help you maximize your kitchen space effortlessly. The aesthetic appeal that it offers is just an added perk.

Be Lofty — When you don’t have much space in terms of length, going high is indeed a great idea to maximize your kitchen space. Tall RTA kitchen cabinets are a good option to store a number of items in a relatively small kitchen, as they use every inch of the available space wisely. Just be sure to leave a little space between the ceiling and top of the cabinets, in order to make most of the available space.

Roll-Over — The kitchen houses a long list of appliances, including the sandwich maker, blender, toaster, mixer and juicer, coffee maker, and food processor. How to store them carefully and safely when you have a paucity of kitchen space? A roll-over appliance RTA kitchen cabinet is what you need to resolve the space problem. You would be impressed with its ease-of-usage and functionality. These cabinets make sure that not even a single inch of your available kitchen space is squander.

Use it Inside Out — Use your RTA kitchen cabinets both inside and out. Place small hooks on the doors of your cabinet so that you can hang small articles such as washcloths, napkins, and spatulas. For such articles, you can also place hooks inside your cabinets as displaying them outside might not go well with the rest of your kitchen decor.

Another way to use your cabinet to the fullest is to place pull-put shelves or Lazy Susans inside them. These shelves make the most of your bottom shelf and corner storage areas. With a simple pull, you can have access to all corners and you can take full advantage of all available space.

Stop Stacking Pots and Pans — When you start stacking pots and pans in your RTA kitchen cabinets, you become restricted as they come with a specific amount of space. For example, a 4”x4” stacking pot will only be able to accommodate an item which comes with the exact same measurements. It doesn’t have any space for bigger items. You can replace these with gliding rails. As they don’t come with pre-set dimensions, they can easily accommodate any item of variable shape and size. With them, you are free to store the articles irrespective of their shape and size.

A High-Five for Spice Racks — Starting from oregano to paprika, you need a whole lot of spices in your kitchen to make your food sumptuous. But where will you get the space to store those tiny spice bottles? Well, the solution is right in front of you. Put racks on the door of your cabinet and you just create a huge amount of space from nothing.

A Short Rack Makes a Huge Difference — We all have some spare, unused space in random places which can be used to store a lot of things. The empty space over your refrigerator and beside your sink can be included in this category. Put a short RTA cabinet above them and use the space to store small items like crockery.

Smart Seating — We all have seating arrangements in our kitchen to relish the delicious food cooked therein. Why don’t you use smart seating to maximize the available space? Ditch the conventional chairs for your small kitchen and get a comfortable storage seating. You can easily put your books, movies and various other items which you don’t use too often in these seats.

Trust the Hooks — We know that hooks are not so reliable when it comes to storage, but you can easily use them to store light items. Put good quality hooks on your RTA kitchen cabinets to get a generous bout of extra storage space in the easiest way.

Space is precious when it comes to the kitchen. With a few simple modifications and our pertinent tips, you can easily get those extra inches of storage space in your kitchen. So, instead of compromising on space, organize your kitchen with the help of these easy DIY RTA kitchen cabinet designing ideas.

