RTA Kitchen Cabinets — A Smart Way To Organize Kitchen

Cabinet DIY
Cabinet DIY


The epicenter for all household activities is undoubtedly the kitchen. It’s the place where the family meets, eats and spends time together. It is reason enough to keep this area of the house organized and clutter-free.

The perfect solution

Scattered cutlery, bungled spice jars, or riskily placed electrical kitchen essentials create a lot of confusion in the cooking area. It makes life tough and can spoil the internal peace of a family. Moreover, if you have to run errands and have practically no time to make things in place, a scattered kitchen can give you real testing times.

In such situations, smartly designed kitchen cabinets can be a real lifesaver. Cabinets are both stylish and of great utility. In fact, kitchen cabinets today, are considered to be a basic kitchen necessity for their ability to organize a kitchen in the aptest way.

Kitchen cabinets are often referred to as modular kitchen, as such cabinets are custom made as per the size,design and need of the kitchen. They are designed specially, to accommodate kitchen necessities of all sizes and shapes. The furniture has sections divided for almost anything you use in the kitchen.

A kitchen houses a myriad of cookery ingredients, utensils, and electronic items which are kitchen essentials. In customized or RTA (ready to assemble) cabinets, there are certain spaces designed for specific kitchen items, which not only help in better setup of a kitchen but do oodles for better usage.

Here’s a brief account of some of the regular design features available in kitchen cabinets that make cabinets a must-have for organized kitchens.

  • Sliding Drawers — Sliding drawers are fundamental to any kitchen cabinet. Such storage system works on a mechanical system. These storage spaces have rollers and slide on the tracks mounted on the walls of the cabinet, which allows better access to the back of the drawers.

Sliding drawers in cabinets come in different sizes and heights which allow better storage spaces for different cookery utensils. Again there are specifically segregated spaces in the drawer which allows different types of storage in an organized fashion.

  • Lazy susan turntables — These are circular platforms that are mounted inside cabinets. These turntables can be spun out which helps in bringing out items that are stored at the back of a cabinet. Thus, this feature efficiently uses space helping to retrieve items in large deep cabinets as well as narrow corner cabinets.
  • Appliance garages — This is a handy feature in all modern kitchen cabinets that allows convenient storage space for kitchen appliances. It allows the upper cabinet to roll down to the countertop thus creating a great space for storing appliances. As these cabinets resembles garage doors, thus the name.
  • Other features — There is a host of specialized storage options that different models of both customized and RTA cabinets have. Some of the other features include Self closing doors, Self closing drawers, European style hinges, Silverware organizers, Pull out spice cabinets and drawers, Pull out shelves, Drawer pegs, Plate shelves, Wine racks, Swing out pantries and Walk-in pantries.

Cook in Style

One of the prime reasons that a lot of people barred themselves from having kitchen cabinets is that earlier cabinets were custom-made, which came with hefty price tags. However, with the easy availability of RTA kitchen cabinets, organizing a kitchen is not at all an expensive process.

