Ceremonial Cacao Recipe — Healing Hot Chocolate Marshmallow

Romany Rose Pope
Cacao Ceremonies
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2020

As we move into wintertime and the season of sitting fireside, I thought it fitting to share one of my favorite ceremonial cacao recipes that satisfies any sweet, comfort cravings we may have, while also providing nourishment for areas in the body that could use extra support in the colder months, such as the digestion, skin, and respiratory systems.

Our secret ingredient: a strong marshmallow root infusion, added to the blender with cacao and warming spices. Trust me, it tastes like a chocolate marshmallow.

Hot chocolate and marshmallows are one of those perfect couples, evoking feelings of cosiness and nostalgia. Typically, the marshmallows we think of and find in local stores are laden with sugar, gelatin and chemicals. But traditionally, marshmallow as a dessert comes from Ancient Egypt, 2000 BC, where they would combine the sap of the marshmallow plant, Althaea officinalis, with honey to make a sweet gooey treat, specifically reserved for the Pharaohs and as an offering to the Gods.

Althaea has a long history in herbal medicine as a powerful healing plant. The leaves and root are highly mucilaginous, helping to moisturize and lubricate mucous membranes, such as the gastrointestinal tract. This is particularly helpful in times when we’re eating heartier, rich foods — as we tend to do in the colder months — and our digestive system could use some extra support. Marshmallow is also anti-inflammatory and incredibly soothing for sore throats, coughs and other respiratory ailments.

I hope you enjoy this luxurious elixir — heart warming and nourishing for chilly mornings or evenings in the glow of the fire.


2–3 tbsp chopped ceremonial cacao (if you’re wondering where to source cacao, check out my article on where to buy the best ceremonial cacao online)

pinch of cinnamon powder

pinch of sea salt

sprinkle of cayenne pepper, if you like a little kick

2 medjool dates

dash of oat milk

1/2 cup just boiled water

1/2 cup warmed marshmallow infusion — make the night before by placing 1/4 cup marshmallow root in a small jar or mug with 1/2 cup lukewarm water, stir and leave on the counter overnight, then strain in the morning. Doing the cold infusion method helps to extract and preserve the most valuable nutrients of the root. It should be a little gooey and viscous. Warm in a small pot, but don’t bring to a boil.

Add all ingredients to your blender and blend on high for 10 seconds. Pour into your favorite mug and savor the rich, frothy sweetness by giving thanks for all that you have and all the possibilities that lay before you today.

Serves 1

Thanks for reading! If you want to learn more about Ceremonial Cacao, how to hold a Cacao Ceremony for yourself, how you can give back if you benefit from Ceremonial Cacao, how Ceremonial Cacao makes you feel, what makes Ceremonial Cacao “ceremonial”, where to buy Ceremonial Cacao, and many other topics, please check out our free publication, Cacao Ceremonies.



Romany Rose Pope
Cacao Ceremonies

Dessert creator and herbalist. I write about cacao, food medicine and rituals for living a vital & connected life. IG @romanyrose