What Blockstart Means for Developers

Caleb Stultz
Cache Token
Published in
6 min readJul 3, 2018

If you’ve ever shopped at a small business, mom & pop shop, or farmer’s market you likely have seen the little white credit card readers by Square. Using the Square Point-of-Sale app, you could register items you intended to sell and accept credit/debit card payments with ease (and relatively low fees). The reader itself was super affordable and now is free when you register for an account. They have evolved to offer contactless & chip card readers as well. But what does this have to do with blockchain? Good question. 👇

Remember these bad boys?

As much as I hate this word (due to overuse), Square was a truly disruptive technology. Before Square created this simple, affordable way to accept credit card & debit card payments, small businesses had to buy expensive hardware (card readers, point-of-sales consoles, etc.) and pay for clunky enterprise software to process and handle payments.

Square made accepting debit/credit card payments easy. Like ridiculously easy. So easy any small business, farmer’s market booth, or school fundraiser could use it with little-to-no intervention. The world of credit card payment processing was turned on its’ head by a little white square.

Blockstart is the little white square of blockchain.

Blockstart Logo

How Is This Related To Blockstart?

We’re building tools and SDKs to make blockchain accessible. That’s what Blockstart is. Our goal is to make blockchain usable to existing developers, platforms and end users throughout the world. We believe that if we can make the technology easier to understand and use, and then train developers on how to use that technology, we can quickly onboard developers and companies throughout the world to start using blockchain.

There are several ways we intend to do this:

  1. Blockstart SDKs
  2. Blockstart Training in Devslopes Platform

We will discuss both of these items in detail in a bit.


Businesses and products need to be more responsible. Most companies want to be more responsible. All users and companies cringe when large corporations are hacked. We witnessed the interviews with Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook as we learned that our personal data had been used to manipulate government elections worldwide. Users and responsible companies desire a better future in technology.

The problem is obtaining a more decentralized future is not so easy. Blockchain technology is incredibly complex and finding blockchain developers to hire can be equally complex.

If you choose to incorporate blockchain technologies, you must then decide which platform and tooling you will use, and then you must spend significant time and money hiring and training developers and building your solutions on top of it. The barrier to entry is incredibly high.


Blockstart is a blockchain platform and suite of tools focused on empowering developers, startups, products, and enterprise to implement blockchain technology into their existing platforms and tools. Blockstart is the driving purpose of the Cache token sale. We believe blockchain and cryptocurrency will never reach mass adoption until developers and companies bring it to their users.

We cannot expect the world to go out of their way to have more privacy, or more transparency. We can’t rely on people to make the better choice, because the easy choice will always win.

Blockstart is the platform to help developers and companies present blockchain as the easy choice.

Blockstart SDKs

The mainstream adoption of blockchain technology is coming, but can’t happen until adequate tooling is in place. Native app and game developers aren’t able to utilize blockchain in both easy and meaningful ways with current technology. This is why we’re building native SDKs for iOS, Android, & Unity.

Unity SDK

Blockchain technology could really change the world of gaming for the better. There are definitely ways this is being done wrong *cough Ethereum cough* and no one is doing it right – yet.

Enter Blockstart.

The Blockstart Unity SDK will make it so that you can easily work with blockchain. If your company requires a private permissioned blockchain, you can easily set that up and manage it in the Blockstart app. You can create cryptocurrencies and digital assets (great for in-game items) and set them up for use in a matter of minutes.

Read more here:

Android SDK

Blockstart will enable you to install the SDK, run through some basic setup steps, create cryptocurrencies and digital assets, and communicate with the Blockstart network with ease.

Blockstart Android SDK in development

Imagine apps that would let you transfer value in a peer-to-peer fashion, without needing to worry about a backend server acting as a middle-man between the two users. Users wouldn’t need to trust that the developers’ backend server is secure because of the proven security and validation of transactions on the Blockstart network.

But what kinds of value could be exchanged in a mobile app? Read more here:


Just like the Android SDK will make it easy to utilize blockchain on Android, the iOS SDK will get you up and running on blockchain in a snap.

We will offer a simple installation option like CocoaPods or Carthage, a streamlined setup process, and the ability to add all the UI elements you’ll need with a few lines of code.

Blockstart iOS SDK in development

Read more here:

Blockstart Training

Great tools deserve great training materials. While Blockstart will be super easy to use and will have a great user/developer experience, we will be producing training material to help you get up and running but also to help take you further with Blockstart.

Read more about the content to come here:

Wrapping Up

As you can see, we have a lot planned. We’ve already begun building these tools out and are coding every day on them. If you’re interested in furthering the development of Blockstart, I urge you to check out the Cache token sale (getcache.io). Cache is the cryptocurrency that powers Blockstart.

Our Private Sale phase is underway and ends on July 25. Tokens are discounted at 20% off ($0.020 USD per Cache token), but after July 25 the price raises to full price.

Visit https://getcache.io to buy Cache tokens and get involved with what we’re building to make blockchain accessible and easy for developers & startups. Read our whitepaper here and feel free to join our Telegram group as well for to-the-minute news and updates: t.me/cachetoken

