Introducing Team Code Reviews

Rui Jiang
Cacher App
Published in
1 min readJan 10, 2018

Ever since we rolled out Cacher, our larger customers have asked for a way to ensure better code quality for their team code snippets. In a world of GitHub pull requests, where peer-reviewed code has become the norm for engineering organizations, we wanted Cacher to become a driver of best practices for code snippets.

Today, we’re taking a step toward that goal by introducing code reviews for teams. The new feature allows team members to review each others’ snippets before being added to the team’s library.

Enabling code reviews:

  • Ensures that another teammate has the chance to comment on and approve new snippets.
  • Encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Is a great way to onboard new team members.
  • Helps to improve the quality of your team’s knowledge base over the long term.

Team code reviews are a feature of Cacher’s Team plan. New users can try it for free for as part of our 14-day trial. Existing users can upgrade from within Cacher.

To learn about enabling code reviews for new and existing teams, check out our support guide.

Cacher is a code snippet organizer for pro developers. Try it at

