The Shutdown Hullabaloo!

Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2013

Yes, for the first time in 17 years the US Government is going into a partial shutdown. And yes, it is being splashed the world over, on every channel, and experts are discussing it on Social Media. The world is talking about almost nothing else.

But 10 crore people are wondering about why this is garnering so much attention! Afterall, the shutdown is hardly a few hours old!!

In Andhra Pradesh, we are on Day 63 of the Seemandhra agitation, and people have gotten used to an alternate pace of life. Yes, public transport hasn’t been plying for 2 months and people complained in the initial days about the high fares, but now we’re enjoying the quicker pace of transport and roads without buses! Schools are out, and the first couple of weeks were worrisome; but now, the good thing is that no student dare be failed by the state government in the exams next year! Land and Home registrations are out, and the only ones worrying are the banks, since there’re no home loan applications! Government offices are not functioning, and honestly, people have realized that there’s not much difference anyway. If given an option, I guess a lot of people would anyway vote to keep several departments permanently on strike. No difference, you see; and a lower state deficit!

Rediff has written a huge article about How the US Government Shutdown will affect services. The article says that across the country, close to a million workers could be put on unpaid leave. Then it says the National Parks would be shut down. National Parks???? Courts would function as usual, the IRS would function with delays, and so on the article rambles.

Lawyers, Teachers, Government officers, the entire bureaucracy, State-owned Public Transport, the entire legislature, have all been shutdown for 60 days now. National Parks?? Sorry if that doesn’t catch our attention :)

Banks haven’t worked for a lot of days in between, every other junction has a blockade by some or the other department, emergency response time has gone through the roof, power and water supply has become even more erratic than before. And we take it in our stride.

Many million people have been put on unpaid leave, and many many more million have been affected by the shutdown — and its been two months!!

So, apologies, US Government, if this chunk of population doesn’t pay too much attention to the shutdown you seem to have on hand. If you’d like, we can form a Joint Action Committee (or two) and send it over, so they can bring all their ‘shutdown experience’ into play. We might even be able to find you a sponsor for this media coverage, so you can offset some of the Obamacare expense with these earnings.

Do remind us when you get to 60 days, and we’ll tune in! (if we’re not then at 120 days!)




Coffee drinker, Semi retired, Sits on the beach thinking about the mountains. Have too many half-written drafts on my blog 🤦🏻‍♂️