CryptoRome Developer Update: March 29, 2019

Caesar’s Triumph
Caesar’s Triumph
Published in
6 min readMar 29, 2019

What’s happening in the world of CryptoRome…

Preparing for the Roman Conquest

We are hard at work making the final design elements of the Roman Conquest (formally known as the Battle for Europe). We are taking into account the economic system, land, our existing and expected player base, and learnings from the current battle mini-game. The Roman Conquest will be an ongoing, massive multiplayer online strategy game (MMOSG) that allows players to take their armies across the vast Roman empire to conquer and defend lands.

To date, we have integrated incremental steps to realizing this vision, including launching the current battle games, developing varying uses for resources and items, and building Trajan’s Market. The Roman Conquest represents a massive step forward for the entirety of CryptoRome. With this in mind, we are giving it the time and thinking it deserves.

We plan to share more news on this throughout the coming weeks. While we don’t want to share too many details at this time, we can tell you this — it will be fun! It will give players of all sizes many different options for strategy. And, when integrated with the CryptoRome economy, it’s going to be unlike any other blockchain game that exists today (which by association means it will be unlike any other game period). With this new ongoing battle will come new opportunities for players to make money from building new structures to creating new tokens.

We’re super excited about this and can’t wait to share more details. Until then, we appreciate all of the ideas that roll in from players and always welcome new ones. We want to reward players who have been here for some time now and we believe The Roman Conquest will be worth the wait.

A few site updates

We’re currently working on making a few improvements to the existing CryptoRome experience. We are currently testing an integrated Discord chat widget in the game. This will allow each battlefield to talk directly to each other while in the battle as well as a general chat from other pages. There are a few reasons why we like this:

  1. A few months ago we integrated a chat button on our home page. We have had very few people attempt to chat with us :-(
    So we think that having the Discord button on the site can accomplish the same goals, make for a better experience and introduce our Discord server to new players.
  2. Having each battlefield have its own Discord channel will give players a way to talk trash as well as identify other players directly to discuss strategy and partnerships.
  3. While we also are happy to field questions, we’ve found that the best discussion happens when players answer each other’s questions. This creates more opportunities for the community to be involved.

We also are working on some UX updates. Here are a few screenshots of what we’re working on:

Land Manager Mockup

Land manager: this will be a much simpler way to navigate between a player’s villages, towns and cities. You’ll be able to upgrade resource production for multiple lands from a single screen. Similarly, you can add or upgrade buildings all from one page.

Resource Manager Mockup

Resource / Items Manager: A cleaner view that will clearly display harvested and unharvested resources. It will also display the current purchase price per item in Trajan’s Market, whether that price is up or down in the previous 24 hours and allow for the purchase and sale of resources directly from one page (won’t need to navigate to Trajan’s).

In addition, items can be produced directly from this page — you won’t need to navigate to the Industry page. You’ll also be able to buy and sell these items in Trajan’s Market directly from this screen.

Village Details

New Village Details Page: Similar functionality to the details page today, however it will require less scrolling and have a cleaner look and feel overall.

Centurion Training

Centurion Training: No new functionality here but an updated design to match the other updates.

More to come!

CryptoRome + Lumi Collect

We’re happy to announce we have integrated with Lumi Collect, a pretty easy-to-use crypto wallet app that works great with CryptoRome. If you’re looking for a simple way to play CryptoRome in mobile, definitely check them out.

Other Development Thoughts

Trajan’s Market
One topic we wanted to cover is what’s happening in Trajan’s Market, specifically the drop in prices of resources. Frankly, we’re not too surprised by this. While we have developed uses for every resource in the game, the production is still far exceeding consumption. We don’t anticipate this being a permanent or irreversible trend. However, to the original point in this post related to the big step change we’re making with The Roman Conquest, we aren’t looking to make smaller incremental fixes at the moment. We’re operating under a “no bandaids” approach for the time being.

So that means that prices may continue to drop, yet the benefit of selling at some point will be lower than the potential advantages of hanging on to resources. Low prices also mean it’s buying season for any opportunistic CryptoRomans out there. With prices low, it means it has never been cheaper to build walls, use wine and swords, etc. in battles. These items give huge benefits to players in battle so we’d expect to see usage go up.

Or it won’t. Either way, while we always want value to go up, up, up, we’re comfortable with the current state of Trajan’s Market at the moment and anticipate that demand will pick back up in the future. However, we do monitor this closely and carefully consider market implications before rolling out new game features.

Player movement between battlefields
Nothing too much to share on this but we’re happy to see players moving up between battlefields. With each step up players have gained new opportunities to win larger prizes. Yes, even in Battlefield III.

Hello, Second Legion Studios

Finally, some personal news about the GigLabs and the CryptoRome development team. If you follow us on social media, you may have noticed the name Second Legion Studios floating around. Second Legion is the first official venture forming out of GigLabs, our blockchain venture studio that launched CryptoRome. Second Legion Studios will take ownership of GigLabs’ blockchain IP in the gaming and eSports industries — including CryptoRome (don’t worry, the original team isn’t going anywhere).

This reaffirms our commitment to CryptoRome and blockchain gaming in general. It will allow us to take investment, scale and hire specifically for our growth in the blockchain gaming space.

For some more information on this, check out this post.

We are also committed to keeping up with developer blog updates. Some may be longer and more substantive than others, but it’s important to us that we keep the lines of communication open. It’s not all one-sided of course. We’re always in Discord so you can reach out directly to us there.

Our links:

CryptoRome Website:
Second Legion Studios:

