The Roman Conquest: Details on the next major leap for CryptoRome

Caesar’s Triumph
Caesar’s Triumph
Published in
6 min readApr 12, 2019

Italia is flourishing. With the opening of Trajan’s Market, the economy is active and wealth is amassing. Armies are growing. Silly in-fighting among its citizens provides for entertainment and comical rivalries.

Yet Caesar warns his people of a threat from beyond its borders — lands, teeming with resources and riches. Should these lands unite, it could spell doom for the people of Italia.

So Caesar unites his people of Rome to rally on his behalf. He sends the CryptoRomans to conquer neighboring lands in his name and to form the Empire. While lands are in abundance, the generals of the various Roman factions choose instead to fight each other to seize even more glory, power and supremacy for themselves.

Let’s do this, CryptoRomans.

With that we are excited to share information about The Roman Conquest — the next leap forward for the world of CryptoRome. This is scheduled to be released this summer. We will firm up a date as we get further along in the development.

From the very beginning of CryptoRome, we have taken player input and feedback seriously. We listen to every idea and suggestion and carefully consider the possible impact in CryptoRome. With that in mind, as we begin releasing more information about the Roman Conquest, we want to share the core philosophies and game mechanics with the community and get feedback. What do you like? What do you not like? What questions do you still have? We know we can’t please everyone but we also know there are a lot of good ideas out there and we want to hear them all. So read about The Roman Conquest below, add comments or join us in Discord to share your ideas with the community to see what everyone thinks.

If you’ve been playing CryptoRome for some time and are active in our Discord server, you will notice how this builds off the existing game and incorporates feedback we’ve received during this time.

Also, this is far from everything we have in store. More to be shared over the coming weeks and months. With that, here we go:

Our guiding philosophies

Philosophy point 1
The Roman Conquest should be fun! It will be simple in form but complex in strategy.

Philosophy point 2
The Roman Conquest builds off the CryptoRome economy, leveraging the resources, items and armies produced by villages. The battle provides balance and increased demand for resources and land within CryptoRome. This is one big interconnected world.

Philosophy point 3
This is not a game for a few players to enjoy. The game allows for massive scale of active players. It presents game play opportunities for all players, big and small, new and old.

Philosophy point 4
The Roman Conquest delivers a sustainable game platform that we can build on and where players can wage battles with one another for many years into the future.

What is the game?

The Roman Conquest is a game of map conquest with an emphasis on strategy. It is a battle simulation game from the perspective of the general. The game is played from a 2D map view where players view the battlefields of different regions. Players choose to attack lands they wish to conquer or defend lands they are already holding.

Concept art for the battle map

The Battlefield / Gameplay

The Roman Conquest is a massive scale game map with 2000 potential cities and capitals for players to battle over.

There are a total of 40 regions that span the entirety of the Roman Empire — from Carthage to the South to Brittania in the North to Mesopotamia in the East and Lusitania to the West. Each region contains its own narrative, surprises, rewards and even special characters (tokens).

Within each region are 50 possible cities to conquer that includes 1 capital. This means that in total there are 2000 possible lands to attack and defend across the Roman Empire. There are adjacencies within each region between cities which make certain cities more strategic for defense purposes than others. The capital is in the middle of the region with a web of cities around it, spidering out to the edges of the region. The capital has the greatest rewards but also is the most challenging to defend.

Each city /capital has:

  • Rewards: which could be Denari, resources, battle items and more. Certain resources or items are discovered and earned in a specific region and nowhere else in the game.
  • Rewards rate: the rate at which you earn the rewards. The longer you defend, the more rewards you earn.

Each region has:

  • Troops capacity: The amount of troops that can be placed throughout that region.
  • Featured Legends: The Legends (i.e. character tokens) that unlock when the region opens (like the Pict Warriors in Brittania)
Pict Warriors: Yeah, that’s a head.

Attack and Defend

At its core, The Roman Conquest is about attacking your enemies and defending your conquered lands.


When a player views a specific city/capital, they see limited information and are required to utilize spies to gain more insight into the land in question (or choose to attack with limited data). Attacking players view a general’s dashboard where they see the battlefield and make attack decisions. As these players make decisions, data rolls in from the battlefield. It is up to the player to make snap decisions, change formation, move units, deploy special characters, and know when to proceed attacking or withdraw to fight another day.

Once a defender’s army reduces to 0, the attacking player becomes the new governor of the land and shifts to defense mode.


Once a player conquers a land, they become the governor. When defending, players are presented with a number of options to place structures, add military, deploy characters, etc. to build a stronger defense. Players are able to bring in reinforcements and repair structures after successful defenses of held lands.


In addition to the rewards gained for defending a land, each city/capital has a Caesar point value. The player at any given moment with the most Caesar points across all of the Roman Conquest is the Caesar. Caesar points are earned the longer you defend the city/capital. Caesar points are accumulated and used to determine prize payouts from a smart contract with payouts of ETH based on transactions within CryptoRome over a set time period.

In addition, each region has a Senator. This is the person currently with the most Caesar points for that region.

More prize opportunities will be introduced throughout the game.

The Roman Conquest: Unlocking all 50 regions

When the Roman Conquest begins, 5 regions are open for battle. Approximately 14 days after the capital falls in each region, another 5 regions will unlock. This continues until all 50 regions and 2000 cities are unlocked. Assuming that the capitals fall on the same day the region unlocks, it will take approximately 140 days for players to unlock all 2000 cities.

After this point, it’s game on. With all lands unlocked, we will begin introducing concepts like seasons where players can earn points to unlock limited edition characters / tokens that can only be earned during that season.

Feature Set

Key features in the Roman Conquest:

  • Interactive Map
  • Attack and Defense Screens
  • Simple clean graphics that fall in line with current design direction of CryptoRome
  • Live leaderboard displaying all players and their current Caesar points
  • In-game chat (this will be going live before the Roman Conquest in the current battle game)

More to come

We have a host of new characters that will be introduced as regions open. More on this in a future post. We’ll also reveal new use cases for resources and items in battles.

Thoughts? Feedback? Let us know over in Discord or here in the comments.

