people wearing promotional products

8 Best Promotional Product Ideas to Show Support & Sell

Victoria Noelle K. Elma
Cafe24 Global Service


Every day, important events happen all around the world, both good and bad, large scale and small scale.

Over in Ukraine, people are getting bombed and driven out of their homes. In the Philippines, the national election will be happening on May 09, deciding whether the son of a former dictator wins or loses to newer names in politics. Meanwhile, in Abu Dhabi, new drones are being deployed to plant mangrove trees to help the environment. And in small towns, scattered around different countries, people are achieving their dreams, overcoming illnesses, and winning against injustices.

These events affect people.

These events affect you and your potential customers.

As a business, these events are chances to show up and step up.

And one of the best ways to do it is through promotional products.

Promotional products, also known as promotional merchandise, are items that promote a brand and/or the events, causes, people, and other entities it supports. It is usually designed to show the brand logo and other brand-identifying marks. If made with the intention to show support for an event, cause, person, or entity, it is also indicated or reflected in the product’s design and marketing.

So you see, you can use promotional products for more than marketing your brand during business events like opening days or product launchings. You can also use them to show support for your advocacies and put into action your company ethos.

two men wearing promotional t-shirts
Promotional products let you and your customers speak your truth without needing to speak. (Photo by Nicholas Swatz from Pexels)

And people are drawn to products that not only serve a practical function but also reflect their thoughts, ideas, personality, and desire to support actions and communities.

While humans have always been social in nature, always in search of a sense of community, it is now even more highlighted as the accessibility and sheer possibility of the modern market allows for personalization.

Just walk down a busy street and you’ll see tons of people wearing statement tees, sporting the campaign colors of their chosen political candidates, and brandishing merchandise that supports one cause or another.

And if you want to show support and sell products at the same time, we got you covered.

Here are some of the best and most creative promotional products — ideas for business that are sure to yield great results.

Promotional product ideas to show support and sell at the same time

Promotional products that were made to show support have that extra pressure to perform.

This is because goals are not solely centered on selling products, generating profit, and improving brand awareness. They also aim to bring light to and encourage empathy for an event, cause, person, or entity, and perhaps even generate profit for it/them, not the business.

Below, we’ve listed promotional products to sell that are sure to perform well for your business and your advocacy.

1. Pens and other writing instruments

A pen is such a small and simple thing that you wouldn’t immediately think of it as such a powerful product when it comes to promotion. But according to a 2020 study on promotional product ownership in the US, 89% of respondents owned promotional writing instruments (Statista, 2022). Not only that, but an ASI impressions study revealed that they create about 3000 impressions.

When you think about it, it’s not that surprising given how practical they are. They can be used in different scenarios and locations, from schools to offices and airports. One way or another, they will be seen in action.

So go ahead and use them to spread the word, whether it be about the fight for the planet or other causes close to your heart.

promotional pen
Writing instruments will share the message of your advocacy one note at a time. (Photo by Omar Al-Ghosson on Unsplash)

2. Tees and outerwear

We’re pretty sure you’ve seen someone wear a statement t-shirt or jacket, especially around big events like elections and world cups. Well, that’s kind of expected. In fact, 80% of respondents in the promotional product ownership survey done in the US said that they owned promotional tees while 67% owned promotional outerwear.

They are stylish, eye-catching, and especially popular with the younger generation of buyers that are more visual-focused, socially aware, and outspoken. The size of tees and outerwear also allows for more freedom when it comes to design and message. It’s basically a blank canvas for your advocacy!

Though of course, you don’t need to literally write on clothes all the time. You can also sell them and donate the proceeds to your advocacy instead, just like what Minimalist NYC did to support Ukrainians during the war.

promotional tee
Share and wear your message with statement tees and outerwear! (Photo by Drop the Label Movement on Unsplash)

3. Tote Bags

Tote bags are staples and can be found in many stores across platforms. It is because they are easy to make yet are highly usable, and can be printed with almost any design imaginable.

They are also popular, more sustainable, and trendier alternatives to plastic bags, especially relevant now in the age of wokeness.

And as mediums for your advocacy, they are very effective as promotional bags are often kept for up to 11 months (ASI Impressions Study, 2022). Imagine how much exposure a single bag will get!

The brand FEED takes advantage of this by creating statement bags that fund feeding programs around the world.

promotional tote bag
Tote bags can be seen everywhere, from the market to the beach, and at almost any tourist destination. They’re that usable, making it effective as a promotional product. (Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash)

4. Mugs, flasks, and other drinkware

Drinkware like mugs and flasks are possibly the most popular promotional product with 88% of respondents in the promotional product ownership survey done in the US owning promotional drinkware.

Everyone drinks as a basic necessity, making drinkware very usable. Even people who do not necessarily support the cause it promotes or the brand that made it are likely to use promotional drinkware at home, in the office, in the car, or during trips, making it a great medium for spreading awareness about advocacy. The brand Fill it Forward gets it 100%.

promotional mug
Drinkware makes for great promotional products since anyone can use it. They can easily be given away as presents and giveaways. (Photo by CURVD® on Unsplash)

5. Face Masks

The pandemic has been a game-changer in many aspects of business including promotional products. While a facemask was something one never thought about outside of hospitals, they are now a major product in the market. And as a promotional product, 57% of consumers now favor businesses that give away promotional facemasks (ASI Impressions Study, 2021).

And since they’re worn on the face, wearers of face masks literally become the face of your brand and advocacy.

promotional face mask
In the Philippines, supporters of the only female presidential candidate, Leni Robredo, are often seen wearing pink face masks, with pink being said candidate’s campaign color. Photo by Leohoho on Unsplash)

6. USB flash drives, power banks, and other tech products

In the modern world, technological conveniences are must-haves, making products like USB flash drives and power banks highly welcomed promotional products. In fact, 58% of US respondents to the promotional product ownership survey said they owned promotional USB flash drives while 33% owned promotional power banks (Statista, 2022).

You can also opt for digital products to sell for promotion. E-books, digital files, online courses, apps, themes, and even filters are popular products that can educate and bring awareness within digital spaces such as on social media. VistaPrint, for one, shares free social media templates to raise awareness about the situation in Ukraine.

promotional power bank
Power banks extend the use of various devices, making them essential in a tech-run society. (Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash)

7. Hats, caps, and other headwear

Like facemasks, headwear such as hats, caps, and bandanas are very visible. They are in the line of sight when you look and/or talk to someone. And like promotional tees and outerwear, they are fashionable, making them popular promotional products. Promotional headwear is often kept for about 10 months, generating up to 3400 impressions (ASI Impressions Study, 2021).

Love Your Melon is one such brand that uses headwear to advocate for its cause, which is to help pediatric cancer patients as well as fund programs and studies to fight cancer.

promotional cap
Making a statement can look cool with the right promotional cap. (Photo by Elyssa Fahndrich on Unsplash)

8. Your store’s specialty product

Your specialty product defines your brand. And using it as a promotional product for advocacy will do two things: upsell your brand and products effectively and help your cause.

When it comes to branding ideas, promotional products that show support are high on the list because not only do they introduce your brand’s products and aesthetics, but they also share its identity and values.

Adidas did it, supporting the call for sustainability by coming out with collections that integrate recycled plastic ocean waste.

promotional merchandise
A lot of makeup brands now choose to be cruelty-free when coming up with products as a show of support for the humane treatment of animals. (Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels)

Some things you need to consider

a woman on her laptop to represent someone considering and dealing with promotional products
As a business person, you have to consider the pros and cons of each product in relation to your intentions and goals. (Photo by Burst from Pexels)


If you paid attention to our list, you’ll notice that one of the main reasons those are effective promotional products is because they are very usable. Usability not only makes a product attractive to customers because they answer a need, but it also makes customers use a product for longer. That’s more impressions made for your advocacy!

In choosing a promotional product, you’re not just looking for the most profitable products to sell online or the most unique promotional products — ideas that only serve to make money. You’re also in search of products that would generate the most support for your advocacy.


Promotional products can be given for free or at a cost, depending on the marketing strategy being deployed and the intention behind them.

A more selfless approach would be to consider them part of the marketing costs or CSR, thus providing them for free. This might mean choosing cheaper product options to produce as much as you can and extend your reach.

A more practical approach would be to sell them at cost with a part of the profits to be donated to the advocacy. This will allow you to choose more expensive product options since manufacturing them won’t be completely out of your pocket.

Another approach would be to rework your products to contain materials or designs (e.g., using recycled or eco-friendly materials) without minding the extra cost.


Life is all about timing. And so is business, especially when it comes to promotional products, and even more importantly, if you’re also aiming for great marketing.

Events, like elections, are only relevant for a short period of time. So related products like campaign materials are only sellable during that time frame.

Causes and entities live for longer but are best done ASAP, especially if you’re riding a wave of interest and aiming to empower it to cause change.

Persons and entities are often supported during difficult times, so whatever profit you share with them is best appreciated at that time.


Since you are asking customers to buy promotional products in support of something or someone, it is almost expected for you to show the actual support that you have given as a result. After all, most people who bought those products did so for the sole purpose of helping.

Share the progress of your projects, share how much you’ve raised, and perhaps even share pictures of the time you’ve given your proceeds to the promised recipients.

What you put out into the world reflects on your business

For businesses, it’s important to be mindful of releases, including promotional products and marketing materials. Whatever they put out there into the world reflects on them.

a reflective office building to represent how one’s products reflect on one’s business
Your products are your business. (Photo by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS from Pexels)

So if you’re going to show support, make sure it is towards something or someone that is in line with your company values. If your brand is all about accountability, don’t campaign for causes and personalities with issues of corruption.

If your brand is all for the environment, don’t partner with fast fashion brands and promote them through your products and collections. That’s sending mixed signals regarding your brand identity.

If you try to support random causes purely for marketing purposes and to sell items for your business’s benefit, it can backfire badly as the truth always has a way of coming out. And in this woke age, a lie can get your brand canceled in a snap.

Give your promotional products the best home at Cafe24

Have you chosen the best promotional product idea for your business and advocacy yet?


Then now it’s time to decide on where to sell products online. And if we’re talking about giving your promotional products the best home, the answer would be Cafe24.

With us, you will be able to sell on your own website as well as on multiple marketplaces, giving your promotional product releases great traction and reach. You can also sell internationally and expand your customer base with our translation feature. It can translate your online store into 8 languages including Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Selling on both PC and mobile poses no problem as well because we provide free and paid responsive online store themes.

A promotion is only as effective as the number of potential customers it reaches. And with us, that number is limitless.

Give your business and products an online selling platform to thrive in by joining us at Cafe24.

