a dad and Father’s Day gifts (watch, tools, game controllers)

Product Ideas to Celebrate Father’s Day 2022

Victoria Noelle K. Elma
Cafe24 Global Service
11 min readJun 7, 2022


All around the world, Father’s Day is celebrated every third Sunday of June.

On this day, both literal and acting fathers are given tribute for their hard work and contributions to the family. After all, it’s no easy feat to raise and care for a family, putting in the effort day in and day out to keep it on the right track — not just financially but also emotionally, mentally, and physically.

The importance of a father goes beyond providing food on the table, as tradition would often dictate. Per the U.S. National Institute of Justice, 90% of children who are homeless come from homes without a father. The Center for Disease Control, on the other hand, reveals that 85% of children experiencing behavioral disorders are also from fatherless homes. Many other such statistics show us that having a loving, caring, and responsible father within a family is truly a blessing not all get to enjoy.

a dad carrying two kids and a boy running in front of them (fatherhood)
A good father cares for the entire well-being of his family. (Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash)

But Father’s Day is not just for families to get together in celebration of their family patriarchs. It is also a great opportunity for offline and online businesses to boost sales. During this time of year, they can expect increased interest in products targeted toward fathers in particular, and men in general, as children and other relatives rush to find the best Father’s Day gifts.

When is Father’s Day 2022?

This year, it falls on the 19th of June.

Plenty of time yet to prepare your business for the celebrations that come with it!

Product ideas for different types of dads

As you prepare for the occasion, put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers, your current customer base, and your product’s intended recipients. What types of dads do they possibly have? What can they afford?

Since there are different kinds of dads, don’t constrain your store’s Father’s Day gift ideas to just one persona. And since their children (your most probable buyers) range in age and buying capacity, make sure to offer options at different price points.

Offer some variety!

While it’s understandable to focus on certain types of products if you’re a specialty store, you can still play around with presentation and marketing.

For example, if you sell gadgets, share how a GoPro is a great gift for Father’s Day for dads who love the outdoors. Meanwhile, you can upsell gaming consoles as the perfect gift for dads who spend most of their time at home.

To help you sell products this Father’s day, we’ve identified different types of dads and product/gift ideas they are sure to love!

Office Dad

The Office Dad is busy and on the go. There’s always a meeting to attend, a place to be, and a call to answer. Coffee is his best friend, and his watch is an essential accessory he can’t go without. You can often see Office Dads in business districts and coffee shops, looking smart and savvy.

But don’t mistake his being busy as a lack of love for his family. In fact, he does all the work in order to ensure that his family lives a good life.

Sadly, it can be hard for office dads to find a work-life balance. In fact, 52% of fathers admit to finding it challenging to balance their work with their family life (Pew Research Center, 2015).

Father’s Day is a great day for Office Dads to feel relaxed and appreciated. For them, we recommend products that can easily be integrated into their busy day.

Product/Gift ideas for Office Dads

  • Leather wallets
  • Watches
  • Office attire (ex. suit/belt/leather shoes/tie/cufflinks)
  • Grooming products
  • Drinkware
a father in a business suit
Office Dads are one of the most common types of dads. So make sure to include them in your product development planning. (Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash)

Stay-at-Home Dad

The Stay-at-Home Dad is an absolutely sweet busybody. While often underappreciated by most of society for not conforming to the norms, he is fully and truly appreciated by his wife and children.

And dads like him are growing in number. According to the Pew Research Center, dads made up 17% of stay-at-home parents in 2016. That’s 7% more than when they only accounted for 10% in 1989.

Make no mistake, staying at home doesn’t mean just lazing about. This dad is often preoccupied with chores and is in charge of the house upkeep. He is also more hands-on with the children, taking care of their everyday needs such as preparing meals and their uniforms before school.

As such, he usually prefers comfortable but practical wear and setups. He is also sure to love stuff that will make his chores easier. And of course, how can he say no to some home entertainment?

Show this dad some love with these gifts.

Product/Gift ideas for Stay-at-Home Dads

  • Athleisure wear
  • Tools
  • Modern appliances (ex. coffeemaker, mini refrigerator, automatic washing machine)
  • Game consoles
  • Recliner chairs
  • DIY projects
tools for dad
When selling products online, take your market into consideration. If it’s Stay-at-Home Dads, make sure to include time-saving home products and everyday tools. (Photo by Elena Rouame on Unsplash)

Outdoorsy Dad

The Outdoorsy Dad cannot stay put at home. He loves the outdoors too much and takes every opportunity to be one with nature.

If you have an Outdoorsy Dad, you’ve probably been on one of those trips going nowhere, riding 4x4s, hiking, camping, and whatnot. You’re also probably familiar with all your local hiking destinations. He brings his family to share the fun when he can.

And of course, he takes care of himself and his health. How else can he go on wild adventures!

If you want to give this fun dad some appreciation, here are all the things he’ll love.

Product/Gift ideas for the Outdoorsy Dad

  • Hiking/Camping gear (ex. hiking shoes, sleeping bag, compass)
  • Athletic wear
  • Waterproof watch
  • All-natural supplements
  • Outdoor trips
  • Physical activities
a campsite for when you take the Outdoorsy Dad on a trip
Using a search engine is not enough to find the best products to sell. You also need insight into your intended users. And if it’s an Outdoorsy Dad, you better have adventure gear ready! (Photo by Tommy Lisbin on Unsplash)

Sporty/Gym Dad

The Sporty/Gym Dad is either very health-conscious or cares very much about his physical appearance. Perhaps even both. Whatever it is, he’s willing to push himself, work hard, and sweat a whole lot!

He also loves competition and more often than not takes pride in his literal strength.

Spending time playing with his kids through physical activities while sharing some life lessons is his idea of fun. While he’s strict with himself, he is a bit more lenient with his kids, giving them the freedom to explore, get hurt, and learn their lessons.

This dad cares for his family just as much as he cares for himself. If you want to give back, here are some products he’s sure to appreciate.

Product/Gift ideas for Sporty/Gym Dads

  • Sportswear
  • Indoor gym equipment
  • Sports gear
  • Tickets to a game of his favorite sports team
  • Bullet blender
dumbbells for the Gym Dad
Products for Sporty/Gym Dads should be functional and durable enough to withstand sweat, rigorous movements, and extended wear. (Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash)

Tech Dad

This dad is always up-to-date with the latest tech. From the latest iPhone model to the newest car models and accessories, he knows it all. And perhaps he has it all as well! Where else will he spend his hard-earned salary?

The Tech Dad might just know more than you about the latest TikTok trend. He might even have more followers than you on social media!

Unlike the stereotypical dad whose dad jokes will have you cringing at the dinner table, he’s more in touch with the times. He likes looking and acting young but does not look like he’s trying too hard. He knows the growing trends and how to use them to his advantage.

For Father’s Day, he will appreciate unique or hi-tech products that provide creative and innovative solutions to modern problems.

Product/Gift ideas for the Tech Dad

  • The latest gadgets
  • Game consoles
  • Creative tools that solve everyday problems
  • Trendy and innovative fashion items (ex. waterproof knit shoes, multifunctional clothing, thermal drinkware)
  • Online subscriptions
a white PS5 for the Techy Dad
When offering online subscriptions or games that can be played online, make sure that their websites have security features and certifications like an SSL certificate. You don’t want to accidentally expose Tech Dads to hackers and scammers. (Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash)

Cool Dad

This dad loves to party and hang out with the kids. He is laid back and always ready for a good time. After all, the best way to keep track of the kids and build trust at the same time is by doing the things they love with them.

He’s very much into music and he knows the latest and hottest shows. And you can’t rattle him with generational slangs, because he knows all of them — probably uses them too!

Boring is not in this dad’s vocabulary. He will take you to the movies, bring you to the hippest restaurants, and take you on amazing vacations should you ask for it. In fact, you don’t even have to ask!

For him, giving his family the best memories is his priority. And that’s just how his children like it.

This Father’s Day, it’s your turn to give him a great memory with these products.

Product/Gift ideas for the Cool Dad

  • Trending products from social media
  • Chic clothing
  • Unique knickknacks
  • A road trip
  • Expensive alcohol
a shelf filled with alcohol to choose from for the Cool Dad
In looking for the ideal gift, don’t limit yourself by just looking at one product category. Especially for Cool Dads, you need to be more open-minded to exciting new products! (Or stick to alcohol. We’re not stopping you.) (Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash)

Foody Dad

This dad embodies the saying “brings food to the table” to a tee! He loves everything about food, and probably cooks great recipes as well.

If he is your dad, then you’re in for a treat. He takes his family to the newest, hippest restaurants. And if you do travel, you won’t be disappointed as he’s sure to know where to get the best local cuisines.

He probably watches a whole lot of cooking shows as well. And the kitchen section at the department store? That’s his favorite.

With him, mom has someone to rely on for groceries. With him, an empty stomach is a myth.

Here’s a list of gifts he’ll absolutely love this Father’s Day.

Product/Gift ideas for Foody Dads

  • Cookware
  • Cookbooks
  • A dinner treat at his favorite restaurant
  • Premium steak cuts/food items
  • Expensive wine
a steak meal for the Foody Dad
Foody Dads are easy to please. Just give them great food and a good time! (Photo by Vera Davidova on Unsplash)

Nerdy/Geeky Dad

The Nerdy/Geeky Dad is passionate about a hobby, a subject, or an activity. If he’s into Star Wars, he’s probably watched all the movies and has collectibles in glass cases. If he’s into comic books, he probably has hundreds of volumes on a bookshelf. If he’s into science, math, history, or the like, you can bet he can do it amazingly well.

Whatever it is he’s into, he puts his heart and soul into it.

He gives that same dedication and commitment to his family. While he is most likely introverted, he knows to spend time bonding with the people who matter to him. He probably knows what his kids are into and stokes the fire of their passion just as he stokes his own.

You’re always surprised by the trivia and seemingly obscure information he knows. He’s smart, but more than that, he’s devoted. And that devotion can be felt in how he takes care of his family.

Make his day with these products!

Product/Gift ideas for Nerdy/Geeky Dads

  • Collectibles
  • Figures
  • Books
  • Niche products
  • Graphic tees
  • Fandom merchandise
Star Wars merchandise for the Geeky Dad
Nerdy/Geeky Dads are very particular with their collectibles, so make sure you maintain your products in tip-top condition. (Photo by Daniel K Cheung on Unsplash)

Single Dad

The Single Dad is special, acting both as mom and dad for his children. He has to do the job of two, often making him extremely busy and tired all the time.

But all his efforts are for his children, and his children know it. He takes care of them, loves them, and dedicates his life to them.

Given how hectic his schedule is, the best gift ideas for him include products that would make his life easier. He will also appreciate things that will help him relax and take a much-needed rest.

As a store owner, you also have the chance to make him feel extra appreciated for his hard work by giving Single Dad promos this Father’s Day.

Aside from that, you can also offer these products for him.

Product/Gift ideas for Single Dads

  • Home improvement products
  • Automatic appliances
  • R&R coupons
  • Spa treatments
  • A complete trip package
a white automatic washing machine for the Single Dad
Among other types of dads, Single Dads need love the most. So reflect as much love as you can in your products. (Photo by PlanetCare on Unsplash)

And there you have it!

But while these product/gift ideas will surely be appreciated, nothing will beat personalized Father’s Day gifts. A personalized gift speaks volumes of the heartfelt appreciation of your customers for their fathers, papas, daddies, and dads.

Try offering a customizable product line if possible. You can also offer to provide small, personal touches like a free gift card for heartfelt messages, or an engraving service for eligible products like watches and accessories.

As a business owner, you can’t just search for popular products to sell online or offline and call it a day. Always remember what’s important. And that is to make sure that whatever you offer, the fathers who will receive them will feel appreciated this Father’s Day.

Understanding the Father’s Day hype

Compared to mothers, fathers are arguably the rather more underappreciated member of the parenting duo. But that makes Father’s Day an even more important holiday as it brings to the forefront the qualities that make a father an invaluable member of the family.

Fathers come in different forms. They have different hobbies, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, talents, and skills. None of them is perfect, but any decent one has something important to contribute to the family.

a family of three on the beach to represent the contribution of a dad to making a happy family
There are just some things that only a father can give. (Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash)

You may be tired of statistics, but they do speak some truth. For example, when the National Center for Education Statistics revealed that 71% of high school dropouts come from homes without a father, we gain insight into how fathers help give a balanced, healthy, and happy upbringing to children all over the world. When the National Institute of Justice shared that 75% of adolescents in facilities for substance abuse don’t have fathers at home, we learn to appreciate the strictness of fathers looking out for their kids.

So as you prepare your store for Father’s Day, don’t just come up with products you think would sell. Put some thought into it. Ensure that the fathers who are gifted with your products get a smile on their faces.

Handle Father’s Day events and promotions like a pro

Special events and holidays like Father’s Day usually bring extra work for business owners who want to capitalize on them. Promotions require marketing and product customization depending on what is being celebrated. Product and campaign launchings require careful planning to achieve that perfect timing to avoid becoming irrelevant.

Worry not because, with Cafe24, you will be able to handle events and promotions like a pro. With our integrated features, you can easily promote and highlight specific products during your campaign. Discounts, coupons, bundles, and even storewide sales are possible and customizable.

Selling online is easy when you can customize your store for optimization. With Cafe24, you can get the best website templates and themes and create eye-catching banners, carousels, and ads with minimal effort. You can also extend your events and promotions beyond just your website and into social media and online marketplaces.

We are more than just a platform for creating a website to sell products. We are also a platform dedicated to your business growth!

Including this Father’s Day.

Turn special days into profitable store events with the help of our expert ecommerce solutions here at Cafe24.

