How a geek found a way into tech recruitment…

Aga Ajchel
4 min readMay 9, 2018


A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far Far Away… There was a girl who wanted to make a difference… you know, change the world, bring the peace and prosperity to the universe? Rings a bell? No?

Sounds like pretty much a beginning of every ordinary story out there but truth be told it is everything but… Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I am special in any way or better or more intelligent than a person next to me… I just have had an amazing opportunity to explore, discover and enjoy things I love which made my life extraordinary and beautiful…

Photo by cstibi on Pixabay

It all started on a sunny summer afternoon when my dad brought home C64… It was kinda old already but it was a model from the year I was born in and in a mint condition and I was only 7 years old ( I am sorry Dad !!) and the screwdriver had its own brain and I didn’t know how to put it back together… Two words… Epic failure… Uber, Repair Shop pleaseeeee!

Anyway, I’ve never seen anything like it before… This particular shade of green, the rectangular black elements, the colorful barrels and circles and and and boom… I fell in love… I knew that whatever my future holds it needs to be something connected to this first glorious feeling of excitement I felt once the last bolt loosened and the case fell open…

Since then there was an Amiga, a funny “little thing”…. I practised my Logo skills on it… I quickly learnt the true meaning of a “rage against the machine” syndrome… Damn you turtle !!!
Then there was my first “real” PC… (no, I never had a Mac… I like my apples in a bowl not on my desk, if you catch my drift… ;-) ) It was an outstanding MS - DOS/Windows 3.11 combo… The memory of DOS Commander, countless floppy discs, if you wanted to install anything, and a feeling of being part of something larger than life haunts me to this day…
Ah, and of course the best joke to pull on a newbie: would you like to try a cool thing on your computer? yes? great! Type “format c:” just here, yeah, exactly like that… press enter now… ooh go on… don’t be a chicken, nothing bad will happen… right…

Photo by hugovk on Flicker

Oh dear, great times… I’ve never had so much fun in my life… Not sure how many kilometers my dad did with me and my tower to the service point and back… but soon the guys there started to greet me by my given name and offered to teach me stuff… amazing, incredible, fascinating stuff !! I was now able to put a PC together by myself from scratch (flexing my non-existent muscles !!)… spare parts started to occupy my room driving my mum insane (sorry Mum, I really didn’t mean to leave these transistors on the floor !!)…

Photo by Wilhk on Pixabay

By the time I was 16 my curiosity shifted from hardware to software… I discovered JavaScript, HTML, C++ and the rest is history… :-)
I’ve become really proficient in developing with C# and ASP.NET… I can do some cool stuff with databases… MS Windows Server has no secrets from me… Did someone say Active Directory??? :-D
I studied Computer Science and did Microsoft certifications… I tried other systems too… Linux is cool but penguins are just not my thing… I spent over 7 years developing software and getting deeper into technology…

Photo credits:

And then one day I woke up and realised that as much as I love programming and creating little wonders there is something missing… at the beginning I didn’t know what could it be but further I went into the relationship with technology, aka my laptop, more obvious it became… I needed other humans !! Machines were cool and they were a really huuuge part of my life but it was not enough anymore… So I started picking up other skills… Marketing, Social Media, Creative Writing… anything really, which combined with my tech knowledge could help me to (a big word coming !!!) re-brand myself…

It took a while, a few failures on the way and loads of self-exploration (remember, knowledge is the key to everything !!) but… I am finally here… Happy, fulfilled, still working with technology and exploring everything it has to offer… What changed is that now I also work with people… I help them (at least I hope I do… ;-) ) to find a dream tech job… I am a proud member of the tech community bringing you the recruitment of tomorrow… :-D

but this is a whole new story…
to be continued…



Aga Ajchel

👓 Geek | Tech Enthusiast | Talent Whisperer | Social Sourcing Advocate | Elon Musk Fan 🚀