10 reasons to follow me and stop leaving money on your website’s table.

Christian Tessmer
Cake Action
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2016

I want to help you. I want your website to be better. Because right now — guaranteed — you’re leaving money on the table. There are just too many mistakes to be made. And you’re likely making them. A lot of them.

You’re not dumb. There’s just too much to know. Too many dials to turn. Too much psychology to study.

Website design is complex.

You’re running a business. You have more important things to do than muck with your website — or so you think.

“Dude. Christian. People really don’t need what you have to say. They don’t care about websites like you. And with the tools out there, they can do it themselves.” — Deane, Oct 2014

Deane is both right and wrong. He’s right in this: most people don’t care about websites like I do. They can’t. It’s not their job.

But he’s dead wrong saying people don’t need what I have to say.

How do I know that? Just look at all the horrible websites out there! They’re making grave mistakes that leave money—and followers—on the table.

The things I’m gonna say to you—in my future writings—will mean the difference between you making $1000 a month or $10,000 a month off your website. Or increasing your mailing list from 1000 people to 10,000 people (if that’s more your model).

Why should you trust me?

I know I come off as “unique” and “goofy” and other adjectives. But it’s all a ruse. Underneath it all is a meticulous, intentional person that has a gift in both the creative and the technical realms.

Let me brag some more:

  1. People have paid me $100,000+ to build their websites.
  2. I’ve absorbed thousands of pages on psychology, design, and online behavior.
  3. I’ve been building sites for over a decade. That’s at least 10,000 hours. #expertlevel
  4. I ask why… a lot. You should too.
  5. My overriding design principle is this: don’t make me think.
  6. I’ve made mistakes and recovered.
  7. I know how to build, measure, learn (from the excellent book The Lean Startup).
  8. I have my degree in aeronautical engineering and worked on autopilots for business jets for four years.
  9. I’m fun, see: 🚁🌵🐩🍪🐳
  10. I’m an engaging communicator.

It’s all about communication.

Let me elaborate on that last point, because it’s the most important one relative to what you’re building, and why you should take the time to listen to me.

The whole point of your website is to communicate… in an engaging, persuasive way. To get someone to take action.

Ironically most web designers are horrible communicators. They’re geeks. Good at computers? Yes. Good at carrying on a conversation? No. They don’t know how to tell a story. How to connect. How to persuade. How to close the deal.

Geeks suck at communicating and persuading. I don’t. That means soon—if you follow along—you won’t either.

I’m interested in psychology as much as I am with the technical aspects of programming websites. I love figuring out how people’s brains work. It fascinates me. (My bookshelf is evidence of this.)

When I’m through with you, your website will persuade people to take action. The more you apply my words, the more they’ll click. It’s that simple.

This is why you should trust me. Because I actually freaking care how your site does.

Basically I’m incredible, and you’re gonna learn a lot from me. :) That is, if my perfectionism doesn’t thwart me from pushing that publish button.

What’s in it for me?

I’ve learned too much about websites over the past decade to not share with you. Even if it’s just seven of you!

I can’t die with this stuff stuck in my head! I think it will be cathartic just writing out what I’ve told so many friends/clients over the years. And to know I helped you make more money, get more followers, and advance your message? That will feel excellent!

Together we can turn your boring brochure website into a persuasive powerhouse!

Hit that follow button. Then email me to get on my mailing list so you don’t miss a single post.



Christian Tessmer
Cake Action

I built www.hummingbook.com. It books your clients so you don’t have to. Try it free for a month. 🐳⚡You can send hate mail if you despise it. None sent yet. :)