CakeResume Monthly Updates — Dribbble Meetup & JobEspresso Launched! | May 2019 #4

Wei- Cheng
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2019
CakeResume May Updates

Job Opportunities: Software to Semiconductor 🎉

At CakeResume, we create and deliver the best online resume builder, and rich recruitment solutions for connecting tech talent to innovative companies. We strive to bring opportunity to the job market and to enhance tech communities.

Since launching in May 2016, CakeResume has helped 260K+ people worldwide build professional resume, and 2K+ companies on recruitment.

Today, leading tech companies like Amazon, Mozilla, NVIDIA, Verizon Media are posting jobs to attract the best talent from Taiwan on the CakeResume job board.

1st Dribbble Meetup in Taiwan 🏀

Giving back is an important part of growing as a person and an organization. We are always thankful for receiving great support all the way from people who believe in CakeResume.

On June 6th, 2019, over 100 designers attended the 1st Taipei Dribbble Meetup, hosted by CakeResume & PEBBO.

We are so grateful to see that Taiwan’s very first Dribbble Meetup was so helpful to all the like-minded creatives, and love it when community members take the initiative to share their experience and knowledge to help each other grow in career.

Shoutout to the 4 design speakers lighting up the night!

JobEspresso ☕

— Software Engineer Job Search Marketplace

JobEspresso — Software Engineer Job Search Marketplace

On May 30, we launched our new product JobEspresso(Beta), a professional job search marketplace for software engineers.

Why JobEspresso

Interview is painful for job seekers and companies. And with every new interview, we have to go through the long interview process again.

So we ask ourselves question:

Why couldn’t we just do the technical screening once, then skip to the cultural interviews?

How JobEspresso Works

After passing JobEspresso’s technical screening, we will recommend you to Taiwan’s best tech companies so that you can skip to the final stage of the interview.

As of today, we received over 30 applicants for the JobEspresso program, and some of them has already passed through our technical screening!

Calling for all software engineers!

Once you pass our technical screening, you will get a JobEspresso T-shirt!

Learn more!

JobEspresso T-shirt

