Youth Career Expedition Events 🔎

CakeResume Campus Series @ National Taiwan University

Chun-Chun Hsieh
3 min readSep 30, 2020


Youth Career Expedition Events

Hello CakeResume Community 👋🏻

I’m here to announce a piece of good news for our youth users! CakeResume will be hosting a series of events on campus (NTU & NCCU) tailored for students. Topics range from personal career growth, career choices, to workshops that can give you useful tips and suggestions.

What you can expect:

👩🏻‍💻 Interact with speakers from diverse backgrounds
🎯 Get a glimpse into different industries
📚 Practical skills for you to develop your career

Speakers come from…

Our speakers come from leading companies such as Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, and Mozilla, etc. And they all have great stories to share with you!

Special thanks to TCA (Talent Circulation Alliance) & LinkedIn for sponsoring these events. LinkedIn will be co-hosting an event with us to specifically discuss the importance of professional online profiles.

Event Agenda

Event #1 — Grab HR’s Attentions With Your Resume
Speakers: Jeffrey @ Ex-Agoda / Vivian @ CTBC / Vivi @ Scalable Press

Event #2 — Navigate Your Career With Confidence
Speakers: Sunny @ Amazon / Jennifer @ Teach For Taiwan

Event #3 — Big Tech Giant vs. Startup
Speakers: Iru @ MoBagel / Mark @ Mozilla / Jason @ Pinkoi

Event #4 — CakeResume Resume Health Check
Interviewers: Janice, Annie, Tina, Chun-Chun@ CakeResume

Event #5 — Build a Strong Presence with Professional Profile
Speakers: Gareth @ CakeResume/ Jason @ LinkedIn

Event #6 — Mock Interview
Speakers: Iru @ MoBagel / Ruby @ WorldQuant / Vivi @ Scalable Press / Gareth @ Ex-Apple

How to Apply?

The application deadline is 9th of October (Fri.), please click the below link to apply and choose the events you wanna participate 👇🏼

Note: For Resume Health Check & Mock Interview workshops, please provide us with your CakeResume CV! We will then further contact you for the details.

Thank you! I’m as usual looking forward to meeting you at the events :)

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

CakeResume: @chunchunhsieh


