A Note from Team Cal: Carolina Conversations

Team Cal
Cal for NC
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2020

Elections this close are won one conversation at a time.

There are just 10 days left in this election and if you’ve been following the polls, you know this race is tight. North Carolina doesn’t do landslides — we do squeakers, where every single vote could make the difference.

We know that elections this close are won one conversation at a time. So, we wanted to share some of the conversations Cal’s been having with voters and activists across North Carolina this month.

In Hoke County, Cal connected with voters about the importance of combating this public health crisis — and building an economy with opportunities for North Carolinians in all walks of life, from students to retirees.

In Mebane, Cal honored Indigenous Peoples’ Day alongside some of our state’s tribal communities. He knows that investing in all of our communities through education and local services is critical, and is committed to ensuring our local governments have the funding they need to properly serve their residents.

Cal also made a stop in Wilson County, where he visited Sharp Farms to speak with Pender Sharp, a North Carolina farmer. They discussed the reckless trade policies put in place by the Trump administration, forcing North Carolina farmers like Pender to pay the price. When Cal is elected, he will stand up for North Carolina’s farmers and agricultural workers, who are central to our state’s food supply.

On a press call hosted by Protect Our Care, Cal spoke with Stacy Staggs, the mother of twin daughters whose health coverage relies on the Affordable Care Act. Stacy discussed her recent testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee about how the ACA’s protections for pre-existing conditions have been a lifeline for her daughters, and noted that despite the personal, sensitive nature of her testimony, Senator Tillis left in the middle of her remarks. Cal also discussed these important issues over breakfast with folks in Carolina Beach. Bev and Scott Veals joined Cal to talk about the importance of quality and affordable health care. Bev is a three-time cancer survivor whose story is a powerful reminder of the stakes this fall. Protecting and expanding the ACA is a top priority for Cal, and stories like Stacy’s and Bev’s remind us why we need a leader in Washington who will fight for folks facing health challenges.

But it’s not only the ACA that’s at risk. In an event with Planned Parenthood and NARAL, Cal discussed Senator Tillis’ abysmal record of reducing health care for women and families. Cal is strongly opposed to partisan efforts in Washington to attack and defund Planned Parenthood, which provides health care services to thousands of North Carolinians, and will fight for all North Carolinians to receive quality, affordable care. He believes a woman’s choice is a woman’s right, and knows there is no place for a politician in a conversation between a woman and her doctor.

To discuss his plans to take on political corruption in Washington, Cal spoke with Tiffany Muller, executive director of End Citizens United. The first piece of legislation Cal intends to file will set in motion efforts to overturn Citizens United, prompting a conversation about how dark money in politics negatively impacts our elections. While our campaign refuses to accept donations from corporate PACs, Senator Tillis has “…sold out the people of North Carolina in order to do the bidding of the donors and the special interests around him in Washington.” As Cal shared with Tiffany, North Carolinians know where Senator Tillis’ priorities stand — and now, they’re ready to replace him.

With issues including health care and safe, fair elections on the ballot, there’s a lot at stake in this election. Cal shared this with folks in Wilson County, reminding North Carolinians that if we flip this Senate seat, Democrats can take back the Senate. This is our shot to remove the gavel from Mitch McConnell and fight for progress on the issues that matter most.

These conversations illustrate what this campaign is about: improving people’s lives. When Cal is elected, he’ll represent his neighbors in Washington and put this Senate seat back to work for the people of our state.

Here’s to the next 10 days and many more conversations ahead!

— Team Cal



Team Cal
Cal for NC

Team account for Cal Cunningham’s campaign. Working to replace Thom Tillis in the U.S. Senate. Proud to support an Army veteran and lifelong North Carolinian.