#7+ Stories, Sounds, Videos about MTB 🚌 🎧 😍

‘Drop to Flat?’ the MTB miniseries by The BroomWagon Podcast

Calamaro — ink and rides
6 min readMar 22, 2021


Maybe you all people need some apologies because I have been missing this space for a little while now. I won’t tell you why this happened, but I’ll tell you way more, and show you this awesome animation by Little James Arnold because a new Podcast Miniseries is born. (Click on the animation to jump there directly via Spotify).

I have been fascinated by mountain bikes for a bit of time, now. For many reasons:
🚜 Because since when I have been riding dirt, my rides moved into trails more than fire roads
🐽 Because I love getting muddy
🚑-Because I still didn’t learn to go downhill, but I need to learn somehow
🗻 Because “if you won’t get there on a road bike” mountain trails will bring you everywhere
🍺 Because I’m sick of coffee before and after rides, it’s time to get beers instead
I still didn’t give it a proper go, because I don’t have room nor financial possibilities for a new bike, but I wanted to get into this world anyway, so as I usually do, I set up a podcast miniseries: 5 episodes to talk about tech, skills, community, travel, and route planning (with Komoot) with suspensions and chubby tires.
The 5 episodes series started today, with my interview with Cory Benson, that time I basically said 4 words during the full length of the interview.

I have to say thanks to all my guests I annoyed with my silly questions, to Little James Arnold who supports me and any of my projects with his awesome animations, to Dom Ferris of Trash Free Trails who guested the show, suggested some of the interviewees, and came up with the brilliant title: ‘Drop to Flat?’ and to Komoot, obviously, that keeps being a perfect content partner for my stories.
That’s it with the cover story, let’s go into the classic schedule.
😊 Well, not exactly classic. I changed a bit the structure this time: most of the stories and the sounds are gonna be MTB-related, while I added one more section about some marketing and job-seeking pitches, just to inspire marketing people out there that are looking for a new challenge like I am right now.
Really last thing: if you like this newsletter and the BroomWagon podcast, just consider pay me a coffee with Ko-fi.

MTB Glimpses 💖

Control and let it go

I am a control freak: having everything under my fingertips makes me feel safe, but not better. I feel three feet beyond better when I let things go, and hold them back when done. Well, this is the magic formula of cycling, take your finger off your brakes for a couple of seconds and understand that your bike rolls better when you let it go. Not always everything goes for the best, but sometimes falling is not a bad word.
Mountain Bikers Examine Their Relationship with Crashing | The New Yorker Documentary🏔️

This doesn’t mean I am a couch potato

Your dog loves to run, and you love to send it down the trails. That’s a perfect match. There is something I like massively about Mountain Biking: a lot of people train their dogs to become trail dogs and eternal companions for their adventures. You can find a lot of those stories around the internet, but I love the video of Oreo and Jasper, because Oreo is Andalusian, and I love Andalusians.
Thoughts of a Trail Dog | Oreo & Jasper Jauch | powered by Julius-K9 🏜️

komoot MTB Stories 💚

All weathers, all routes, all smiles…

Another story of dogs, but not only. Kelly is a Mountain Biker and dog lover, who got into mountain bikes not so long ago and got stuck with it. She is part of those awesome stories I love reading from the Komoot Base Camp to be entertained and inspired at the same time. Read Kelly’s story and check her account, you will find a lot of inspiration through her highlights.
Spreading the MTB love on komoot while dressed in leopard print 🐆

MTB Podcasts and Sounds 👨‍🎤

I flowy album by Guts

I have been on the hunt for a MTB soundtrack for many many weeks, but I found none. Maybe because music on trails is really fluid, and nobody cares about giving it some consistency. Or perhaps just because Mountain Bikers are too busy enjoying the gnarl to pump some music on. Well then, let me put here just the album that filled my headphones for the last couple of days, and remember me those flowy, relaxed days on the flat bar.
Btw, if you have any suggestions for a steasy MTB playlist, just hit the reply button, and send it to me.
Hip Hop After All — Guts 🎧

Content Marketing Salad 🥗

An audio cover letter to Specialized: story of a fiasco

You probably know that since last year I have been seeking a new working challenge, I hoped to move into the cycling industry, but it is not really easy.
So, to get at least a first interview, I thought of being creative: in an application for one of the most important, if not the most important, bicycle companies, I put together expertise, creativity, and to-do attitude sending out an Audio Cover letter. The outcome was not positive, but who cares, I learned something. You can see what I learned, check on my Linkedin post, but only here you have the exclusive of the name of the company and the audio cover letter itself. Click down here, listen to it, and give me feedback, it is always welcome.
A cover letter to Specialized 🍀

3 tips for your next Email Marketing Campaign

Maybe you are here because of my Linkedin post about Email marketing (actually a hook to let you subscribe to the BroomWagon Newsletter 🐣), well, in this case, let me give you a cool link — down here 👇 and 3 tips for your next Email Marketing Campaign:
💯 Put a number on your subject line: it will stimulate a tribal sense of curiosity
📅 Once a week, that’s the best frequency number for your newsletter (even if I prefer every other week — not to be pushy)
🦑 Animations catch 25% more attention than plain images
And let’s go for an easy +1
💃 🐘 🐰 🎥 🎃 💖 🏳️‍🌈 🍊: emojis are the best!
Mailchimp’s COVID‑19 Email Marketing Trends 📯

Cheers 🍻

Thanks a lot for reading ‘till here. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and see you later. You want to tell me something, give me feedback or shout at my mouth? Hit reply and let me know. 🎯
And remember I am free for freelance tasks so, if you need help with your email, campaigns, content creation and online marketing. Here is my website 👇

And, if you arrived 'till here, please consider subscribing to my bi-weekly newsletter by clicking 👇

