And remember: BREATHE šŸ‚

Breathing makes crashing softer

Calamaroā€Šā€”ā€Šink and rides
6 min readApr 16, 2021


I kinda spammed it all over the internet in the past few days. I spent last weekend on the Kleine Scheidegg doing something Iā€™ve never done properly in my life: snowboarding. I took advantage of the end of the season bargains and Veronika was my instructor to slide me into the basics of the activity.
The first moves were just easy, but when we started with something a bit less natural, Veronika watched into my eyes and told me: ā€œand remember: BREATHEā€. It sounds silly, but I promise you, it is not. While you are doing something new, or you are not used to, or just something you need to focus on, you forget the classic no-brainers. And while learning how to heel slide ā€” absolutely the most challenging first attempt in my life ā€” I had really to focus to keep the head up, bend my knees, open my arms, control the back edge, and breathe as well.
Donā€™t be scared of failing on things, just breathe. By breathing everything gets easier again: thinking, focusing, performing the exercise, absorb the moves, and relax. Also crashing becomes softer if you are breathing, I swear.
Thanks a lot for your time, and while you reading and breathing, please consider šŸ„° Support the content you lovešŸ„° by pushing to the Ko-Fi Link CTA and buy me a coffee.
Happy Breathing!

Cycling Glimpses šŸ’–

We are all just so stoked at trying new things

Sorry people, I didnā€™t want to shout at your mouth in this way, but, hey, you really gotta watch this video. It is a plain joy juice: three friends having fun on their bikes, enjoy any single moment of their lives, shred, crash, dance, play, and smile. A lot of smiles. Please, you just do it, and then you send me a thanks message later.
Girls Gotta Eat Dirt šŸ˜

It is a lot harder to disconnect with somebody than to connect with them

A community is something that doesnā€™t interfere with your freedom. Ok, it seems complicated, but it is really not: let me go through that. Often we wave our independence against everybody, just to show to the world that we can do it by ourselves, because we donā€™t need any help. Asking for help is seen a weak move. It is really not, and even if, who minds. Support is something natural and often people are just happy to offer it to you. Thatā€™s the meaning of being part of a community: a community is something that puts inclusion before anything, going through stuff together because somebody has experience with it or maybe wants to share paths. Nobody judges you into a healthy community, we just grow together and everybody is free of being herself. That video is a great example of it, from the awesome Josieā€™s point of view.
Go Josie.šŸ¦¾

Sounds šŸ‘Øā€šŸŽ¤ and Content Salad šŸ„—

The Instagram Attitude

Merging up a couple of things here, but not as you would guess. I want to mix up my content tips with my podcast suggestion. But I wonā€™t give tips on audio production, not yet (if you are interested in that, just hit reply and I will prepare it for you, no probs). I bounced into this old audio recording where Ronnie Romance aka Ultraromance explains how to be good on Instagram ā€œI am the #1 cyclinā€™ Instagrammer on the Instagramā€ ā€” he says, and, yeah, from it I got some inspiration to some of my tips. So: how do you win the Gramming Game?
šŸŽ There is no game, no competition. This is my first tip, donā€™t be devoured by the competitive bug. Social media are what they are: places where people share part of their life, not all of it, just a part of it. So, never feel the comparative pressure of I wanna be like her/him.
Be who you are. Authenticity is always a winner. Nobody wants to see somebody acting like somebody else, they rather check the original, right? I donā€™t wanna eat for breakfast a poached egg posing as a peach. Donā€™t be an egg.
šŸ Stand for your values. Donā€™t be afraid of taking positions for something you care about. I do it pretty often about topics like: equality, representation, love, and a ā€˜to doā€™ attitude. You can do the same. Just one thing, donā€™t get stuck into Social Media fights in content threads, thatā€™s just useless.
šŸ¦Ž Answer to your people. It is a matter of behavior. In real life, you donā€™t carry on muting when somebody says something. Well, why then is such a common use in the digital world to ghost peopleā€™s comments, messages, even emails. Just answer with a ā€˜Yesā€™ or ā€˜No thanksā€™ or ā€˜šŸ„¦ā€™ and it will be enough. Donā€™t be a dick. And anyway, still continue to follow the šŸ thing of No Fights on Comment Threads!
šŸ– A light hearth always stays. Do you really want to take yourself that seriously? Life is stressful enough to spend your time worrying about studying stupid algorithms. Please, donā€™t do it.

Thatā€™s all folks, if you want to hear what Ronnie says on his side, just click down below, his speech is just hilarious.
Yonder Journal Presents: The @ultraromance Instagram Symposium šŸŽ§

Short reading list šŸ„—

2 articles you cannot miss

Let me introduce a new section: I read these 2 articles this week, and, people! I need to share them with you.

ā€˜Drop to Flat?ā€™ Live and Over šŸ’š

How different is planning an MTB Ride

ā€˜Drop to Flat?ā€™ is over, the last episode is out. Digging into the MTB world was just a blast. A lot of nice people I talked with, loads of new things I learned of. Thatā€™s what was all about for me, learning something new. In this last episode I talked with El and Gaby from Komoot, and they explained to us some tricks on MTB planning as well as sharing some cool stories of gnarliness and steepness. You should check it for sure.
Eleanor Jaskowska & Gaby Thompson ā€” MTB Planning with Komoot #DroptoFlat ā™»ļø

Cheers šŸ»

Thanks a lot for reading ā€˜till here. Donā€™t forget to share it with your friends and see you later. You want to tell me something, give me feedback or shout at my mouth? Hit reply and let me know. šŸŽÆ
And remember I am free for freelance tasks so, if you need help with your email, campaigns, content creation and online marketing

