From short spins and cakes to Fixed42 World championships

A podcast by Calamaro

Calamaro — ink and rides
4 min readDec 15, 2016


Since I started this new blog, I wanted to do something different than only writing. Yes, speaking and speaking with people is still my main focus so, what’s better than a Podcast?
And that’s the idea: produce a podcast.
A newbie, myself, starting riding in a track. One episode a week for 6 months, from the beginning into the Velodrome, then Alleycats, Rad Race Last man Standing and, finally, the Fixed42 World championships in June.
I will talk about my training experience, my results, my fails. And also I will do some interviews to track and street cred celebrities.
Everything will be covered also with some articles on Calamaro, and on other publications I’m right now talking with. Obviously also my social networks will be involved in the journey.
Now I’m looking for partners to get a bike to ride on.
I have already two sponsors, Wahoo and Giro,already on my side.
All the story below!
Enjoy your rides.

The Story

Stefano is a lazy cyclist. In 2016 he archived:
🚴🏼‍ ca. 2000 km
🚴🏼‍ Ronde van Vlaanderen
🚴🏼‍ L’Eroica
🚴🏼‍ ca 2 pieces of 🍰 every ride
Stefano would like to increase his yearly distance in 2017 but the city where Stefano lives, Berlin, is ❄️ during winter. That’s why Stefano needs a brilliant idea.

💡 Idea!

Train in the Velodrom for the whole Winter

The challenge

But go and train is not that straightforward: Cold, short days, German rules… Stefano needs an extra push of motivation to do it.

🎯 Goal

Take part at the Fixed42 World championships

Sharing is caring

Training on his own is not very interesting for Stefano: Stefano is a creative guy who talks really, really, too much.
Stefano wants to share his efforts and results with a huge audience.
For sure write on is a solution, but that’s not enough.

🎧 A Podcast!

With a podcast people can listen to Stefano while they are riding, or training, or having breakfast with a 🍰

The Project — Training

The plan is pretty straightforward, Stefano must train hard: into the velodrome, in Tempelhofer Feld, at BER Airport and with the indoor trainer at home.
In the meanwhile he should participate to some events, just to practice with the track bike, fortunately there a plan for it:

🚴🏼‍ Rad Race Last Man Standing (4.March.2017)
🚴🏼‍ All Berliner Alleycat and Criterium race (ca 1 each month from March on)
🚴🏼‍ Some Crit Abroad: Turin, Rome, …
🚴🏼‍ Ronde van Vlaanderen (1.April.2017) — but that’s another story

Then Stefano would need to talk with expert end experienced rider/messenger to get some advices.

At the end of the journey: the Fixed42 World Championships in June.

The Project — Podcast

The Podcast will be great: podcast about training, races and experiences talking and interviewing experts, riders, messenger.
It will be launched from on and there will be pictures, sneak peeks, curiosities, live streams on Calamaro’s Social Networks.
Stefano will also publish exclusive content on his Sponsors’ (yours) social media, blog, publications.

Be Stefano’s sponsor

Animation Latham Arnot

What the sponsors will get

It’s gonna be a great journey together and the sponsors will be part on a brand new media publication, reaching a target of early adopters typically interested in new media. The visibility will be great in Italy and Europe.
Stefano will nominate your brand at the beginning/end of any episode. and will produce exclusive content on the partners social networks and blogs.

How you can help Stefano

To do this Stefano will need new gears: a bike most of all and also some parts and safety tools. But also some contacts from expert riders and members of your team are really welcome.

Style and Numbers

They are already riding with Stefano


Yes, I’m Stefano and Calamaro is my blog. Drop me a line at

