Riding an e-bike is not cheating! Myth Busted.

Addit Haria
Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2020

We see a lot of people mentioning “Riding an e-bike is cheating!” No doubt riding a conventional cycle is better for health than riding a pedal-assisted electric bike, but e-bikes provide a better workout than walking. It also helps older people or people with health problems to have an easier form of workout. Sometimes, it even motivates people to initiate working out!

Here are a few benefits of an e-bike which I would like to highlight:

Calamus One
  1. More Cycling

A study in Norway shows that e-bikes cause people to cycle longer and more often — especially women.

Aslak Fyhri at the Institute of Transport Economics summarized: “People travel twice as much on the electric bike [as on a regular bike], both in terms of kilometers, amount of trips, and as part of the total transportation. The effect of having an electric bike was particularly strong among women. They did far more trips with their e-bikes than men did. Men, on the other hand, often went for longer trips once they were out cycling. In order to cycle to work every day you have to prepare, take care of logistics and perhaps change and shower when you arrive. To many people, this is too much of a project. With an electric bike, you reach greater distances in less time, and you may wear your ordinary clothes or a suit jacket since you don’t sweat.” (Source: electricbikeblog.com)

2. What is better than driving in the clutter-free cycle lane?

They get you faster to places when compared to the average traffic. A city dweller would know the congestion in the peak hours and vehicles move much slower or cause roadblocks often. In such a scenario the electric bikes are the way to go. The average speed that can be maintained is 25 kmph which can cover 4 km in 10 minutes! If you have a cycle lane in your city, you can easily bypass the traffic, a luxury that does not come with any other vehicle.

Calamus One

3. Older people and people with health problems can keep exercising

Overweight individuals or older people find it difficult to maintain fitness training on a regular basis. It can act as a motivation to start working out for a healthier life and also help to boost their self-confidence. Professor Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss added: “Those who use e-bikes on a regular basis benefit … not only in terms of their fitness, but also in terms of other factors such as blood pressure, fat metabolism, and their mental well-being.” (Source: Forbes)

4. Long-range battery

A good range allows the rider to go and explore further without having to plan your ride in advance and worrying about the battery to drain out. Calamus One-25 and One-75 offer a range of approximately 50 miles/80 km which is good enough to finish most bicycle rides.

5. Increases productive time-

Many people have a packed schedule and can’t find time to work out which is a huge entry barrier for anyone to start some kind of activity. Instead of taking a four-wheeler for your commute, get started with an e-bike. You will perspire less when compared to a conventional bike. The change you will see is that all the time that you are getting your daily dose of physical activity is coming from the time that you would otherwise spend on traveling. This daily fitness routine comes free of cost as you do not have to buy a gym membership, pay for parking, and also saves you the cost of fuel!

6. Great vehicle for families to share

No license and no prior training required to drive these e-bikes. Also, many e-bikes are designed for both males and females. They can be used for commuting to workplaces, performing some chores around the city, or taking a joy ride to a nearby riverbank or hills. An electric bicycle, therefore, increases the value of the investment made into it manifold; and is an ideal purchase for families.


7. The satisfaction of doing your bit for the environment - #onecarless

Everyone in the world aspires to get a bigger car and many are preferring to buy large SUVs that are used by just one person. It has compelled all the big automotive brands like Lamborghini, Aston Martin, and Rolls Royce to make one too! We think that global warming is not in our hands and we can’t do much about it. However, as an individual, we have much more power to bring in a change more than we think. Once you adopt an e-bike, you effectively remove one petrol guzzling vehicle off the road! Your extended circle will be watching you do this and might start to consider purchasing one and this is an indirect way in reducing the carbon footprint from the surrounding element.

You will be making the massive adoption of electric vehicles possible. That’s a significant contribution to changing the world and this will give you the satisfaction of doing your bit for the environment.

Happy e-biking!

Calamus One

At Calamus, we have created the next generation of e-bikes which focus on rider safety and convenience! Do check out our website for more details on our e-bike.

