Calculus Features — A Decentralized, Borderless Search Engine

Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2021

In many of our previous posts, we have remained outspoken about the internet blockade and how a free internet is under siege. The power game between centralized rivals has led to numerous compromises on the part of the user. The current state of affairs is far from the original mission of creating a neutral network that facilitates equal participation and access to all!

What really happened was — centralization. With centralization came censorship, loss of user privacy, lack of portability, and zero effectiveness. The internet of today is full of invisible borders, hungry for another innovation to sweep away these documented evils and restore the internet’s original mission!

But who shall take on such an endeavor, who holds the necessary technological, development, and economic prowess to bring such a revolution — Calculus!

Calculus is building a Decentralized Search Engine.

Over the last decade, the internet has been monopolized by centralized natives such as Google. The problems begin very early in our venture. The gatekeepers of these search engines hold a tremendous amount of influence on how we operate, derive, and perceive the internet. The same gatekeepers shape our perceptions and biases and how we connect with the rest of the world.

On the surface, it gets incrementally problematic since the user is left with no choice but to put blind trust into a single centralized body that can easily be manipulated. The concept of fairness, transparency is then effectively lost, truth is lost, privacy is lost, and freedom comes with a price.

Calculus remedies all that and does more! Our mission is to offer users an alternative to search supremacy and sentry! We understand this is a highly ambitious project, but we are optimistic! Execution is key in developing a hybrid search engine, and the Calculus team is ready for this endeavor to make a borderless internet a reality in the near future.

An important feature of the Calculus ecosystem, our decentralized search engine is open for all participants. We are able to protect users’ privacy because the network does not track or store users’ searches. Instead, queries are anonymously processed by a distributed node server network. At the same time, Calculus also summarizes various search options through data analysis, which provides users with a variety of choices for searching information.

We also aim to fight the internet tribalism that has become profound thanks to the geo-political schematic in different regions. Calculus suite of blockchain-based solutions holds the ability to anonymize the participant’s digital profile and their activity ledger.

The Future

Calculus’s decentralized search engine will transform the way we interact with the web. By leveraging blockchain technology, users will have control over their data. Access to data sources will be free and effective. As our vision turns into realities, the landscape will appear reformed, and Calculus will stand at the frontier of all things decentralized.

But we can’t do that without our community, so join us in this journey. And remember, the early birds always get the worm!

