Let’s Talk About a Free, Open, and Perpetual Internet — Fighting the Blockade

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4 min readMay 27, 2021

“Permissio” is a Latin word for “Permission” — it represents the concept of granting somebody the liberty to execute something. In a world where the concept of “permission” is so ancient and profound, it means for you and me; there should at all times be a central authority that should agree for us to act, perform, and live a certain way. However, in 2021, many of us are left to question the relevance of the concept of “permission” for the Internet.

Indeed, the web of today is vastly different and under siege!

While the raw amount of data being transferred onto the Internet has proliferated by a large margin, it is not being scaled at almost the same rate. Ironically enough, the inception of the Internet was completely permissionless. When Tim Berners-Lee began his journey of constructing the Internet, he did not need to abide by the concept of “permission.” He did not ask for anybody’s permission; he just did it, built it, and voila!

In the early days, the Internet remained as permissionless, open, and free as it could ever be. Users wrote codes that transformed their ideas into something much more palpable. There were simply no limitations to what you could create and throw out onto the web. Innovation was free!

Coming back to the present, the Internet of today is completely different than what it was in its early days. As the years progressed, we began using services on the web created by others, take, for example, Gmail, a novel creation on the Internet, now so deeply engaged in our day-to-day lives. Seldom do we think of the fact that Gmail, practically a centralized service, holds the ability to access our data and even employ it for one too many (not really) ingenious reasons.

The code is a power to be reckoned with; it is the advent of the Internet gaining a sort of character. Coding is able to scale immensely and without requiring many resources. But nothing exists without certain implications. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the very foundation of this code and invariably the software — is “completely open,” “free,” and accessible. Moreover, users must have the freedom to build on top of the settlement layer, ensuring diversity. Following these two deliberations, we have indeed come a long way — blockchain and, in its wake, the emergence of decentralization.

Have You Heard of a Neutral Web?

Net neutrality is the very idea that represents permissionless, free and unblocked access to all that exists on the Internet. For any user to be granted equal access, keep the incoming traffic on the web democratized. The concept also ensures that the data of a small content creator has the same opportunities as that of an elite veteran of the web.

Unfortunately, the entire concept of a neutral internet is under attack.

The Loss of Net Neutrality Is Not the Only Threat

Bandwidth caps are another huge element that leads to the creation of an Internet Blockade. Not only is it affecting the user and the provider, but it also affects the true potential of free and open Internet from unraveling itself.

But Where Are We Exactly Today?

The new age of the internet and data storage practices, in particular, begins with Calculus. We are building a permissionless decentralized data storage network that abets the concept of “permission” with a permissionless ecosystem.

Developers shall be able to choose their tools and build free; content creators shall be able to publish their content onto the network without any gatekeepers or risk of censorship or data breaches.

In short, anybody and everybody shall be able to come onboard; Calculus is able to do that (literally!) by allowing all interested participants to become nodes on the network irrespective of their user or asset classes.

Opportunities for Calculus’s Decentralized Data Storage Network

Data storage is the foundation for a free, open, and permissionless web. Now that decentralized has begun to gain significant momentum, the Calculus data storage network will be a critical component to propel its final maturation.

Our data storage network shall be able to eliminate all centralized siloed data centers. The vision of Calculus is to build a blockchain consensus network based on data storage with a low threshold, high performance, and a strong landing. Calculus focuses on data storage and calculation and creates a new consensus incentive mechanism and upgradeability for complex cooperative relations. In Calculus, everyone can do business on their own and get fair benefits from the scattered storage ecosystem.

Decentralized storage is the hottest frontier field in the blockchain industry, with unlimited potential for development. As the first team to enter this field in China, the Calculus team shoulders the important task of advancing the development of decentralized storage technology. We will take the decentralized development of the Internet as our mission and create a truly free, safe, and open Internet infrastructure value innovation model.

Calculus is committed to fighting the blockade and ushers a free and open internet, both in terms of net neutrality, centralization, and fighting the high thresholds, all of which culminate to prevent a permissionless ecosystem. With Calculus on the horizon, join us on this journey to unbound and create a new order for the ever-evolving web!

We are creating another unlimited pocket, following this vision — a decentralized and borderless search engine. We will be talking about it in our next post, so stay tuned.

