Role Players of the Calculus Consensus Network — the Participants

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4 min readMay 23, 2021

Calculus, as a decentralized data storage network, is dynamic in many ways. The role players, or stakeholders, or reputation system, however you may choose to address the participants of the network, are the ones who shall lend effectivity, zest, vitality to Calculus. For any decentralized marketplace, including Calculus, its participants are essential for evaluating the quality and trustworthiness of one another before the initiation of a storage flow.

A decentralized network holds a variety of participants. Also, in a decentralized system, anyone is a node, and anyone is a user. A system of this nature lacks a center because it does not need such an entity. Because a center is insignificant to the prosperous existence of the role players in the network. All Calculus needs is a community of eager, enthusiastic, and loyal participants keen on maintaining the health of the network while getting rewarded for their essential participation.

On Calculus, everyone is a creator, everyone is a participant, there are no gatekeepers!

The Role Players — the Calculus Community

In the long run, Calculus is positioned to support many real-world use cases and several different needs as well as the modes of interactions of its users. As such, there shall be many participants and hence many reputation systems on Calculus, meeting the diverse requirements of the network’s participants, including the users. The dynamism of Calculus enhances the efficiency of the network, promotes a higher quality of service, and ensures the network is at all times prepared to support the evolving needs of its community.

Down below is a detailed description of each role and reputation within the Calculus consensus network:

  • The Super Nodes — storage resource and service providers!

The key to a healthy and successful decentralized data storage network really comes to the ability to synthesize a culmination of economic incentives, technology controls, and quality software to create mutually beneficial, long-term relationships. A super node within the Calculus reputation system is able to fulfill all these requirements of the Calculus decentralized consensus network.

In brevity, super nodes are all participants who shall provide storage resources, search services for the Calculus decentralized marketplace and its users. Hence, it is key for super nodes to remain online in real-time. In doing so, the super nodes shall receive rewards while keeping the network healthy and effective.

  • Validator Nodes — sustainers of the Calculus network!

Participants who shall fulfill the role of validator nodes shall package and generate blocks in the Calculus network, invariably equipped with maintaining the whole blockchain network. By virtue of Calculus’s original proof system, the POSS system, the validator node must hold storage resources. These storage resources shall represent a guarantee.

Hence, deriving from the above role requirements, the validator node, similar to the super node, must also provide storage resources. As a result, they are able to receive rewards by transferring storage resources in the Calculus decentralized marketplace and are able to participate to receive further rewards for packaged blocks as well as the reward share of each cycle of blockchain.

  • The Common Node — the user who provides storage resources!

A common node is a user who is also able to act as a provider of a storage resource in the Calculus network. Unlike the super node, the common node is not required to remain online in real-time and contributes to the network independently.

Hence, whenever the user goes online and begins offering storage resources, they may become common nodes. The reward for a common node in the Calculus network is directly relevant to the amount of usage of the storage resources they offer by other users.

Here, you can see a key competitive advantage of the Calculus decentralized consensus network — Zero barrier to entry costs and minimal system threshold as anybody is able to become a common node on the network irrespective of their asset classes to gain incredible rewards.

  • The Assurance Committee — guarantee for all nodes!

The assurance committee is a participant in the Calculus network who shall provide guarantees for nodes. Any participant holding CAL tokens shall be able to become an assurance committee, and their CAL token act as the pledged asset. These role players shall obtain rewards simply by offering guarantees for the nodes.

  • The Calculus Users — experience the true power of Calculus Unlimited!

Users of the Calculus network and its storage, as well as computing resources, can interact with the different features. Effective storage means that nodes can provide effective storage and computing resources to meet real storage and computing needs.

Are you thinking — why so many different roles and systems?

Well, here’s the -

The Fundamental Concept Behind Calculus Role Players

Calculus strives to bring a decentralized data storage network to people all across the globe. Each Calculus role player functions as an infrastructure layer that is able to integrate extensively.

By maintaining these intricate layers of participation, the Calculus network shall facilitate the emergence of a truly decentralized data storage epoch that is more open, transparent, and accessible. In accordance with our visions, the Calculus Role player system is designed to be fair, efficient, and truly decentralized.

In order for users to ensure confidence in their decisions, the Calculus role players must uphold reliability and trustworthiness. So often, role-playing mechanics and reputation systems might be susceptible to manipulation. Calculus mitigates such a susceptibility by ensuring diversity among role players and several use cases. Multiple roles also offer a settlement layer for social consensus and cross-validation that makes the overall Calculus network robust.

So Which Role Will You Choose?

Each role player in the Calculus network is key for the continued growth of the ecosystem. Calculus believes in a free-flowing decentralized ecosystem, checked only by the pledges of each role player.

The future is data, and the future of data will be decentralized, anonymous, truly secure, and self-regulated.

Join us as we make it happen! Follow our twitter for latest updates👇

