What Sets Us Apart — The Original Proof Mechanism by Calculus

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4 min readMay 7, 2021

Within the current landscape, different players use specific systems to maintain the consensus. For instance, Bitcoin and Ethereum are more centered around strong computing power, with smart contracts being their main course. Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work mechanism requires miners to compete with other miners in order to solve a computationally expansive problem for the cause of verifying payments made between two entities exchanging Bitcoin. Hence, the loopholes in the current decentralized consensus — the incentive mechanism!

Bitcoin’s mining and Proof-of-Work consensus requires a lot of electricity which is why you may have been hearing so many reports around Bitcoin’s sustainability and its impact on the environment. At the same time, in terms of value proposition, decentralized storage holds a few key advantages. The two-dimension of decentralized storage consensus networks are — data storage and data distribution.

Storage support allows data to be saved onto the network and later retrieved when needed. Data storage in a decentralized network has numerous applications such as robust storage landing power, low threshold, backup, multi-device synchronization, privacy computing, data monetization, NFT, etc… well, not all existing and comparable projects exhibit these applications, but Calculus does! Data distribution in the context of Calculus allows for real-time transmission of massive chunks of data, again for data monetization and streaming, businesses, and more.

Several decentralized storage solutions are addressing different data storage issues; then it becomes imperative to ask –

How does Calculus Stand out in the crowd?

The first is about the difference in complexity, cost, and threshold requirements. To be more detailed, the incentive for storage providers is a key issue in the terrain of decentralized storage. A fair incentive mechanism can be presented in the form of a large storage capacity provided, leading to greater contribution — only within this cycle does an abundance for collecting satisfying reward opportunities exists.

So, the question turns into how to ensure the accurate establishment of blockchain to reach a consensus on the volume of storage provided by a specific node. In doing that — the system rewards those who perform the storage normally and punishes those who underperform.

Calculus pushes the frontier of blockchain in several different ways. In the end, we all are led to a common scenario — all the unused storage that we have but still remains wasted — organizing this unused storage space with incentives in order to build a colossal and powerful computing storage network that drives away the barrier to entry costs, once and for all.

In this answer, you will find the premise that differentiates Calculus decentralized storage consensus network from other exiting solutions –

The POSS mechanism

Calculus presents the original POSS consensus mechanism that shall steadily change the future of data storage. In the third wave of the world’s wealth redistribution, technology, led by decentralized storage, Calculus through this POSS mechanism, will reshape the normal order. With the help of the original POSS technology and distributed search engine globally, Calculus is quietly changing the world, enabling decentralized storage to present a more orderly competition.

What is Calculus’s POSS Mechanism?

The POSS mechanism by Calculus is a hybrid incentive architecture based on the existing Proof-of-Storage and Proof-of-Stake incentive layers. It is a next-generation technological innovation supporting decentralized storage and computing. The flexibility of the POSS mechanism is crucial for the Calculus system to quantify the technical design and architecture and its ability to combine consensus aggregation and decentralized computation. Simply, POSS can be phenomenal in realizing all kinds of meaningful data storage and safe computing, as well as for the safety, fairness, and efficiency of the network.

The native token of the Calculus network, CAL, is crucial in maintaining the POSS consensus mechanism. Supernodes need to have storage resources and workload as a guarantee, and their Staked CAL token is effective within its guaranteed limit. Under this mechanism, three types of assets that require storage resources, workload protection, and CAL token become supernodes, which combine the advantages of resource-based and channel-based consistency mechanisms to guarantee network security more effectively. If the Calculus network is under attack, in addition to requiring a large percentage of CAL tokens, you will also need to be able to control a sufficient amount of storage resources. This design of the POSS mechanism and invariably the Calculus network makes malicious attacks dramatically difficult.

POSS set us apart, and it’s very clear to see why!

POSS is native to Calculus, and that’s one significant differentiating factor right there. In the long run, Calculus will have the most fluid storage network that is meant to optimize as the system continues to evolve. Calculus also becomes one of the very few projects — doing consensus that is backed by useful storage. All of the mentioned factors contribute to the authentic ability of Calculus to remedy the problems of data storage in general as well as to ensure that the Calculus economy remains well incentivized and competitive.

