What Should You Expect in Production? Calculus’s Development Roadmap

Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2021

The goal of this post is to elaborate on the upcoming Journey of Calculus. The objective is clear — launching a holistic and robust decentralized data storage consensus network in the market. The future is aligned, and we move towards it relentlessly.

Our roadmap reflects the current needs and long-term potential of the decentralized data storage ecosystem and, in many ways, even DeFi.

Introducing the Calculus Roadmap

Timeline — Q3 2021

Building the Calculus Consensus Network — Accessibility

The first step shall include developing the Calculus decentralized data storage consensus network for the adoption of mass data, which will eventually become an essential part of integrating all future features.

We shall lower the threshold for easy node access, allowing all interested participants to join and create an all-inclusive data storage marketplace. We also aim to leverage the innovative POSS proof mechanism as well as the Sklearn technology to reward users who run nodes.

Native NFT Support — Digital Data Commercialization

We shall employ the Jaccard Similarity Matching technology to facilitate the identification of data when it is uploaded on the Calculus network for the very first time. Once the data has been initially uploaded, users shall have the choice to add NFT tags to generate NFT data in a matter of a single click. An interaction that is highly compatible with the Ethereum ERC-721 network and allows the Ethereum Fang’s NFT to be transferred onto the Calculus network.

Timeline — Q1 2022

Focus on the potential of the Calculus Testnet, expansion of the ground marketing and technical team in 15 key regions or markets!

Timeline — Q4 2022

Privacy Computing — Decentralized Identity

The need to store, manage and analyze large chunks of data has become extremely profound in the current times. The traditional method of data management that includes three steps — aggregate, count, and deletion, is an extremely redundant, inefficient, and unsafe way of handling sensitive data. Calculus solves this problem by preserving user privacy while also allowing for the statistical analysis of their data.

By employing the mechanics of privacy computing, Calculus uses a multi-layered security system that ensures that sensitive data, such as medical records, remain encrypted but open for the authenticated users to draw statistical analysis.

Decentralized Search Engine — A free and open Web

Calculus can obtain and host authentic data of our users and access content from other search engines through API access. This leads to the inception of massive data storage network devoid of any boundaries and limitations!

Let’s consider another example:

In the United States, Google is the largest and most accessed search engine, while Yandex is the largest search engine in Russia and Baidu in China. However, despite the revolutionary user base and mass adoption in the current landscape, these three search engines have zero data exchange channels currently.

This creates massive tribalism of data and data barriers which ultimately lead to big information gaps. Through Calculus, we shall address data tribalism by migrating all the data onto our decentralized storage network. Compared to these search engines, Calculus is also able to store and classify information much more efficiently. We aim to achieve this colossal migration of data by incentivizing network nodes through protocol rewards, motivating them to move chunks of information from the whole network onto Calculus.

The Calculus dApp — Intuitive and Comprehensive

Through our dApp, our users shall be able to upload, store, download data, generate NFT, search global data without any restrictions, and auction NFT assets, all on a single platform.

The Community

Our roadmap is based on careful industry analysis and user research. Calculus is the future of Data repository; Calculus is unlimited and borderless! With this in mind, the project’s development horizon always begins with an enthusiastic community. You, our community, stand at the heart of this journey. So, come say hello and grab your early mover advantage by becoming the preliminary community of Calculus.

Stay in the Loop

If you are new to decentralized data storage and seeking more info, your best bet to get started with the Calculus👉 Twitter channel, where we share with you regular news, updates, sentiments, and facts on not only Calculus but the entire decentralized data storage marketplace, in general. We shall keep the communication strong, and more forums are coming up soon, where you can connect with us, where we will share our enthusiasm with the community about the new order that our project shall usher.

