When Calculus Decentralized Consensus Network Meets DeFi

Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2021

Over the past few years, DeFi has exhibited a meteoric rise, cementing the fact that it’s here to stay. The DeFi boom (that now seems to be a perpetual run) is gaining an even pace that will bring it to the mainstream crypto industry. The sector has clearly surpassed the trilemma as it continues to serve as a validation that decentralization and decentralized network are well capable — of enabling unprecedented opportunities and deliver on the promise of a new order.

DeFi has turned the heads of not only the average investors but the interest of institutional bodies as it proves to offer something that is beyond straightforward profits. As the DeFi terrain continues to stir the traditional way of things, it has enabled new ways of earning returns.

Be it novel traditional tools or decentralized financial instruments of the future such as staking, yield farming, NFTs, DeFi is disintermediating not only the existing concepts but also forging new practices.

Staking, a fundamental mechanism that contributed significantly to this phenomenal rise of DeFi, has gained loyal traction, and rightfully so. Staking promises attractive returns to market participants in exchange for locking their tokens into a smart contract or a staking pool for a set period of time. The functionality has historically offered unbelievably lucrative yield over and over again, a prospect that is simply impossible in the traditional realm given the state of affairs.

Beyond the technical patios, there is another crucial segment that DeFi seems to have revolutionized to its very foundations — user access –

Before the emergence of DeFi, the traditional financial market has been nothing but opaque, unpredictable, risky, and completely governed by one central authority. In the old order, your assets were never your own, and free access to the masses was perhaps a (very!) forbidden case! The best opportunities and returns were reserved for the top 1% of the population only, while the masses, the average investor, would be left with nothing but scraps!

And, oh, if you ever tried to enter the bank with anything less than the standard, you would simply be barred, ineligible for further investment, consideration, and whatever, that you would visit a bank for. This argument is well reinforced with the recent events as Gamestop, where the top institutional gatekeepers barred all trading activities, thus preventing the average investor pool from bidding the price any higher.

This is where –

Calculus Perfectly Fits Into the Puzzle With DeFi!

At this point in time, the wave of DeFi is undeniably strong, and its impact has been felt in even the staunchest of the financial orders. And, yet, DeFi presents some barriers to the newbie enthusiasts, to the average user class. Security is also another concern that is perhaps caused by the nascency of the sector, making it inevitable for some protocols to fail and some participants to experience a loss. You can add, user-experience as another haunting factor that is preventing DeFi from reaching optimal maturation. High gas fees, traffic congestion, tribalism, etc., add to the bigger problem.

In every sense of the word — DeFi is not for the faint of heart or the pessimist.

This is when Calculus becomes the key player -

We can’t deny the fact that sound investment strategies and optimistic results are largely dependent on accurate data and analytics. And, it has been historically proven that it has been excruciatingly painful to store large chunks of data on congested networks such as Ethereum. Calculus shall make it dramatically easier for the community to access relevant data for all sorts of investment goals and needs no matter where in the world through a decentralized and borderless search engine. You will experience the true power of an unlimited consensus network that shall expand the computing power of decentralized applications. Calculus makes it easier for DeFi investors to get clear insights into the market without any limitations. The Calculus network enables users to perform complex analysis of large data files in a decentralized and non-custodial manner native to the wizardry that is blockchain technology.

This creates a seamless flow for DeFi investors to extract relevant insights to make wise investments in the DeFi landscape that is exploding with potential.

Calculus’s decentralized data storage consensus network serves to ease the load from the right junctions of DeFi. Data analytics such as payout schedules take up a significantly large amount of space on the usual networks that are being employed in DeFi. The same heavy data can be stored on Calculus with much ease and can also be secured via a multi-layer computing system and in a decentralized manner.

For starters, by storing data that take up an unreasonably large amount of storage, causing latency on networks that DeFi operated on, Calculus will already be freeing up the first layer of the chain to process transactions faster.

DeFi and Calculus — A Juggernaut in the Making

Calculus shall swiftly get into action after the network goes live; we shall simultaneously begin our role within the DeFi ecosystem. The network shall help scale and shall integrate with DeFi seamlessly. While at the same time, the CAL token that powers the Calculus network shall derive from the lucrative native functionality of DeFi by allowing Calculus users to stake CAL tokens for solid returns. The network shall also adopt the DeFi concept and incentivize the network’s stakeholders with rewards for contributing to a stronger and healthier decentralized storage ecosystem, thereby creating a positive loop!

