Organized Religion Or Going within?

Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2018

‘In order to make organized religion succeed is to make people believe they need it. In order for people to put faith in something else they must first loose faith in themselves.

Walsch, Neale Donald. Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue: Book 2. Norfolk, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 1997. Emphasis on Organized religion.

With everything we know today about organized religion as well as it’s phases in our past, I see ‘religion’ in general as a means to control the masses, for how could a religious power obtain their power without convincing the population they wish to have power over, that they have no power and they are less than holy by birth?

Essentially, threatening you with the wrath of God if you dare stray or deny the church which they assure is God’s church, they’ve utilized one of the most proven tools in creation, ‘fear’

This effort has done more harm than good to so many who follow the doctrine of the church. I work together with my feelings because it’s the clearest, most direct channel to spirit. Why do I mention this? Because my inner guidance tells me to stay clear of religion, which is something to rely on in place of self creation, the ability to think for myself. I pull God source from within and not from another.

It’s from within that your truth power and potential. lies, waiting for you to wake up and smell what ‘God’s’ cooking.

When’s the last time you stepped away from the gentle well meaning programming of religion, the (re-li-on) system and stepped into the center of ‘ yourself’ to find that portion of you connected to everything and everyone else?

When I did this back in the year 2000, I was incredibly awaken, deeply in tuned and surprisingly afraid of what I found so eager to meet me in return. I know, it sounds crazy but until you try meditation in place of medication, you’ve never left the farm. What I’m saying is you’d never know about the marvel of the soul til you tried.

I hold great ‘ thankfulness’ for such a step into a bigger understanding and knowing of who I am, could be and what we may come to experience in our own time. I guess my point is…when I stepped away from religion My eyes became wide open and truth was there waiting to be seen, as if for the first time.

