Building A Remote Work Time Management Culture

The quick move to remote employment in 2020 presented significant issues for enterprises. In a 2019 Glassdoor study, 58 percent of respondents indicated business culture is more important than wage rises. It’s no surprise that firms were sacrificing sleep to build culture under unusual conditions.

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4 min readMar 1, 2022



Culture is an organization’s identity involving how the company is run. The culture of a company is derived from common objectives, beliefs, and missions. It explains what the organization does, how it does it, and why it exists. The attitude of all leaders in a company will contribute to and define its culture. Much of a company’s culture will come down to time management. More than defining culture — examining what it isn’t might reveal an organization’s state of affairs.

The organization’s dress code, attendance, or attrition rate are not its culture (although attrition rate might inform about the state of the organization). The culture of any business is about how workers manage interpersonal problems, celebrate triumphs (their own and team members), and how they deal with failures. However happy employees, driven, and engaged are more likely to thrive in a company with a strong, supportive culture.

Remote Time Management Culture Building Challenges

Remote labor has made it tough to build a thriving culture. According to the 2017 Upraise Research Council worldwide CHRO research said that over 62% of businesses claim to have modified policies to match the new normal. Remote working is also one of the top worries among workers questioned. Managers (or leaders) must overcome differences that produce rifts in teams to achieve shared objectives. However, the physical distance magnifies personal differences and management duties.

Building on Good Communication

Business leaders neglect workplace communication, and the numbers aren’t attractive. In fact, according to a Pumble assessment from 2021, a lack of efficient communication was the leading reason for organizational failures. However, the poll indicated that employees who were good communicators might enhance their productivity by up to 25%. But it’s not dire. Remote work solutions are as frequent as the difficulties themselves. Improving communication frequency and quality helps resolve conflicts and enhance teamwork.

Using “Tech” to Communicate

You must evaluate the nature of the workplace (e.g., 100% remote, hybrid, or just remote upon request) and the tools workers use and are comfortable with. The decision-making process is complex for managers. Aside from technological innovations, managers may strengthen their workforce and culture by:

That is to say, a comprehensive goal-setting process and OKRs may help. Managers may inspire staff to achieve higher results by explaining what the business does and why. After all, time is what we want most but what we use the worst.

This is especially important for remote workers concerned about others seeing their work. Increasing one-on-ones with team members might reveal difficulties and possibilities. Or as Ben Franklin said, you may delay but time will not.

Inform staff about company news

Leaders may do inform employees about what is happening through weekly or monthly messages to staff. Employees may bring up relevant issues at town halls, daily meetings, or one-on-ones with supervisors. Allowing a free-speech model increases approachability and helps managers understand their employees’ requirements.

Create an inclusive and learning culture. Including a sales representative in feature development conversations helps sales teams understand the solution better (and subsequently market it better). And remember it was Albert Einstein who said ‘Time is an illusion.’

When work is distributed evenly it tells workers that their management values consistency and fairness. Providing extended breaks for individuals who need to attend to family problems throughout the day and timing meetings convenient for all workers shows respect for their wants and requirements. Don’t let your past be everything you failed to be.

* Encourage leadership and employee communication by allowing feedback. In other words, don’t spend your time beating on a wall hoping it will turn into a door.

Regularly collecting employee input is critical to management improvement. Employees may offer feedback on their bosses at one-on-one meetings.

* Train new employees to be “remote yet engaged.” And don’t waste your time with explanations. People only hear what they want to hear.

Managers may explain the organization’s advantages and underline the need for engagement. Making friendly introductions to team members, explaining the organization’s ideals, etc., might help relieve newcomers’ stress.

Using Remote Success Protocols

Does time run faster than you? Remote work is challenging for everyone in the profession since so many things might go wrong. There’s no reason to panic since the basics of organizational success remain unchanged.

However, remote employment has substantial benefits. Therefore, a location-agnostic, success-oriented culture may give top talent much more than a work-life balance. It represents a chance to develop with the company and change existing procedures.

Some say that time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. When you use your time to build your remote team with time management principles the benefits will grow within your company and culture.

Image Credit: Karolina Grabowska; Pexels; Thank you!

Building A Remote Work Time Management Culture was originally published on Calendar on March 1, 2022 by Max Palmer.




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