How to Measure and Decrease Form Abandonment

John Boitnott
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2021


Form abandonment can be a costly issue for any business or nonprofit. Fortunately, it’s an issue that’s relatively easy to fix. If you reduce form abandonment, you could see increased sales, donations, or sales leads.

Understanding form abandonment and your business

While many e-commerce businesses face cart abandonment issues, form abandonment is a problem that can affect any type of organization. When someone abandons your form — leaves without filling it out completely and submitting it — a business could miss out on a sales lead, and a nonprofit could miss out on a potential donation.

Whether you’re working with a contact form, a donation form, or a checkout form, form drop-off can be a significant issue. Here’s how to make it less of a problem.

How to measure form abandonment

Tracking form abandonment can help you understand how significantly it affects your business. Analytics tracking will also provide you with valuable data so you can assess the effectiveness of your efforts to fix the issue.

Several analytics tools can help you measure form abandonment. For instance, Zuko integrates with JotForm, letting you track your form conversion rates. You can monitor other important…

