Office Meetings, Post-Pandemic Style. How to do it.

While remote work is here to stay, there are still numerous tasks that require on-site work for many firms. Meetings are needed. How many?

Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2021


Meetings. The only question is how many and how rapidly? While remote work is here to stay, there are still numerous tasks that require on-site work for many firms. In addition, many companies miss their office culture and camaraderie and prefer everyone back working and brainstorming together in the same area.

“How would I structure post-pandemic office life so that my staff and clients feel comfortable and safe?” is one of the many crucial concerns managers must address.

Those overseeing the return to work might start by considering the following suggestions for post-pandemic business meetings.


Office meetings, especially for high management and clients, are frequently catered. Food safety is always a concern while feeding people, but now more so than ever. Concern yourself first with your caterer’s dedication to standard and pandemic-specific cleanliness.

Then there’s the value for money and the products and ingredients your food service provider uses. Choose a business with a solid reputation. Years of industry expertise. And a commitment to industry standards and best practices.


Even with universal immunization, many individuals will undoubtedly remain wary and scared.

Keeping this in mind, office managers will need to provide items like hand sanitizer. Even masks to keep employees comfortable. These should be placed in the table’s center for easy access. Don’t let this become a time-consuming issue.

Sanitizing meeting and conference rooms will also be required before and after sessions. In addition, offices must accommodate persons who may be suffering from pandemic PTSD to differing degrees.

Occupancy Caps

Even once most individuals are vaccinated, occupancy limitations will likely need to be strictly enforced. For example, a conference or boardroom may be required to have a certain number of individuals present. In addition, office or legal restrictions apply.

Pre-meeting memos and material let participants know that these regulations would be in force. As a result, they may rest easy if they are anxious about being surrounded by too many people.

Fewer and Shorter Meetings

Another factor to consider is how often and for how long to meet. Shorter and less frequent meetings currently define remote work. This trend is expected to continue. In addition to reducing anxiety and dread, more concise and fewer frequent meetings push participants to get to the point faster and assure efficiency.

Notify participants ahead of time that the meeting will start promptly and that the primary concerns and subjects will be resolved quickly. Air filtration is another significant factor in conference and meeting rooms. Consumer air filters may be found online for very little money. They can do a lot to put people at ease while sharing air in cramped quarters.


In any case, these regulations will likely be in place for some time. As a result, even those ready to return to in-office employment will hesitate to schedule regular office meetings.

The world will eventually return to normal, but office life appears to be irrevocably altered. The above post-pandemic office meeting standards might help ensure that individuals feel secure. The goal is a comfortable return to one of the most crucial functions: business meetings.

A Fable: Meetings of the rat and the dragon.

Once upon a time, a mighty dragon ruled over a large kingdom. This dragon was cruel and fearless. Nothing scared him, and nothing moved him. Instead, he demanded to meet with every person and animal in his kingdom in small groups each year.

First, he would meet with the villagers. The mighty dragon would puff and blow at them, and they would tremble. Finally, he would roar, and they would fall on their knees before him. Then, at this point, he would make his demands.

He demanded all their newborn calves to eat. He commanded them to bring 50 barrels of their new spring wine. And he suggested that he scratch his back right now if they didn’t want their village to be burned down. All in all, it was a very productive meeting. At least for the dragon.

His meetings with the animals were similar except when he met with the rats. Rats are intelligent creatures. So they devised a way to make their meeting with the dragon turn to their benefit.

When they met with the dragon, they told him of a vast treasure trove they had discovered in the neighboring kingdom. The dragon became so excited he immediately flew off and was never heard from again. (That’s because the other kingdom had an enormous dragon.)

Think about this little parable when you consider your leadership style.

So, are you a rat or a dragon when it comes to meetings?

Image Credit: Fauxels; Pexels; Thank you!

Office Meetings, Post-Pandemic Style. How to do it. was originally published on Calendar on December 16, 2021 by Howie Jones.




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