Plan the Best Honeymoon With an Online Calendar

The peak wedding month is June — and we’re almost there. A lot of time and effort goes into planning the perfect wedding. Occasionally the wedding is so intense that honeymoon plans are left on the back burner. Yet your first trip as a married couple is a wonderful bonding experience that deserves just as much attention as your other wedding arrangements.

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5 min readMay 16, 2021


Plan the Best Honeymoon With an Online Calendar

Just like with any other trip, an online calendar can help you iron out the details for an unbelievable experience. When it comes to your honeymoon — remember it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that deserves some time and attention to planning.

Save the Date

Your wedding date will likely be chosen far in advance. You should give your honeymoon sufficient heads up as well. This allows you to make sure everything is in order before you set sail.

The sooner you set your honeymoon dates in your online calendar, the quicker you can ask off work if needed and organize your future schedule. This will prevent last minute any last-minute tie-ups from throwing a wrench in your plans.

Planning in advance also helps you purchase plane tickets if needed and make reservations with plenty of time. There wouldn’t be much of a honeymoon if you forgot this. Note; you don’t have to leave for your honeymoon immediately after the wedding, you can add a day or two to prepare for your trip if you’d like.

Set a Budget

Even if you plan on going all out with your honeymoon plans, a budget is nice to have. A budget will help you plan out how many activities you can afford and stop you from too much overspending. Otherwise, you might go a little too crazy and regret it later.

You can start budgeting now with your online calendar. You can set your parameters and even start saving up for the trip. Not having to worry about finances during your honeymoon enables you to enjoy all the good things.

Do Your Research

Head into your honeymoon with proper preparation. Scope out vacation sites based on location, price, and available excursions. Your initial idea might be overshadowed by new findings you didn’t think about before.

After some digging, you might realize that original honeymoon plans don’t fit your proposed budget. Look for similar options and ask for advice from others based on their own honeymoon experiences.

Above all, be sure to schedule research time in your online calendar with plenty of time to make decisions about the location, flights, days you’ll stay and hotel bookings.

Pack Early

The less you have to worry about when your honeymoon dates arrive, the better. A simple task to take care of in advance is packing. While it might seem tempting to leave tossing stuff in your suitcase until the last minute — you’re asking for more stress than you need — and you’ll likely forget important items.

While some packing tips will help you fit everything you need, what’s most important is getting your packing done in advance. Schedule packing time in your online calendar on a day where you can handle it without a problem. Even getting the majority of your packing done before the wedding is a viable option.

Create an Itinerary

Honeymoons should be equal parts relaxing and exciting. While most of the time you might want to relax on a beach somewhere — it’s important to add some activities that make for fun memories as well. By creating an itinerary you can make sure there’s room for both.

A strict schedule isn’t everyone’s idea of a great honeymoon. If you prefer, keep a more relaxed itinerary. Flexible times take out the stress of vacationing, but still make sure you’re planning some day trips and activities throughout your honeymoon. However, some more specific details benefit from rigidness, such as flight times and hotel check-ins.

As part of your honeymoon itinerary, consider adding a few surprises that your spouse doesn’t know about. A romantic dinner or other surprise special event can really add to the honeymoon feel for them.

Make the Most of Travel

Now that the days of your vacation are all straightened out, don’t forget to give some attention to your travel time. Especially if you’re travelling far, there’s a lot of time you can fill and make more enjoyable.

For long flights, prepare some movies, books, or games to keep you connected as you reach your destination. Long drives can benefit from music and audio books as well. Prepare for travel and there will never be a dull moment.

While talking about travel, be sure to space out your flights if that’s your method of transportation. Nothing will ruin a honeymoon faster than a missed flight or an unexpected delay throwing everything off balance.

Talk to Locations in Advance — and Ask Someone Whose Been There

This might be the only honeymoon you ever take in your life, so you should take advantage of it as much as possible. Being newlyweds unlocks a lot of perks at hotels, restaurants, and even airports, but you won’t get any of them unless you ask.

Call hotels, restaurants, and other locations of interest a day or two before arrival. Bring up the fact that it’s your honeymoon to them. Even if you get nothing more than a small room upgrade and a free dessert, it’s worth the even smaller effort.

Plan a Day at Home

Returning from your honeymoon back to work and reality is a sad time. You’ll quickly miss the carefree feeling of vacationing after tying the knot with your significant other. To mitigate the post-vacation blues, plan a day at home to end your honeymoon.

Having at least one day in between your vacation and when you have to return to responsibilities makes for an easier transition. That day at home can be used to transition and prepare for a successful return to society. A little staycation never hurt anybody anyway.

At the end of it all, be sure to enjoy the quality time with your spouse. This trip set the tone for your marriage and future trips to come. Using your online calendar can get it done right.

Image Credit: sad photo maldives; pexels

Plan the Best Honeymoon With an Online Calendar was originally published on Calendar on May 16, 2021 by Abby Miller.




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