Store Reopening: Take These Steps to Get it Right

John Boitnott
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2020


The coronavirus pandemic has forced retail stores and businesses to shut down across the United States. With states gradually reopening, more and more of these stores can once again open their doors — with a few changes in place.

If you’re preparing for a store reopening, you’ll need to be ready for an experience that’s not at all like business as usual. However, with the proper precautions in place and some flexibility in your business model, you can successfully reopen your store and welcome customers back.

Check your local requirements

Before planning your store reopening, check with your state government. Many states are reopening in phases, giving different businesses permission to open in each phase. Once you’ve identified when you can reopen, review your state’s reopening requirements.

Your state may have specific guidelines when it comes to store capacity, employee testing, and more. It’s important to consider all of these elements when planning your reopening and the changes you’ll need to make.

Implement safety measures

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that stores implement social distancing to maximize customer and staff safety. This may mean restructuring…

