Best Practices for creating a MailChimp RSVP

Greg Hanchin
Published in
7 min readJun 20, 2021
How to Send and Track Calendar Invitataions.

Invite us to your event. We send you back a calendarsnack to your email with the rsvp buttons and calendar landing pages to use in your campaign.

We have recently added a multi event landing page. This is an automated calendar landing page of your upcoming 25 events with one click rsvp.

You can do both in one step.

When you create a calendarsnack you get all three delivery options for each individual event. The RSVP Button, a Single Event Landing Page and a Multi Event Landing Page with all your upcoming events streamed into one page for RSVP’S.

Built in Automation.

Using a single create command in your Calendar Client you can start in 10 seconds. The automation of consumes your calendar invite and generates a replica for you to use.

Understanding the WorkFlow.
Calendar Invite is sent and customer is notified.

The workflow of the RSVP Button and LandingPage are the same. We send a calendar invite for that event and request a calendar receipt.

We then route the customer to a PreBuilt Notification Page and tell the customer that a Calendar Invite is on its way to their email address. The notification page contains all the information about the event.

Step by step Details

This is the Automation Workflow for the RSVP Button in MailChimp.

Use the Built in DashBoard to move around

The dashboard is built into every snack. You can access all your Calendarsnacks here. You can book mark the the dashboard url if you want to and we include it every-time you get a calendarsnack. We collect and store your data under your email organizer name.

Calendar Invite Testing prior to using the Buttons

You can send a test of the calendar invite to who ever you want. Its not a mandatory step. Just a suggestion to make sure all the data points are correct from your caendar. If you need to just CANCEL the event on your calendar client and generate a new one.

When you use the CANCEL command on your calendar client we tag that in the database as canceled.

You can try different BUTTON Types, Colors and Names when generating your call to action (CTA) RSVP Buttons in MailChimp for your campaigns.

Details of the RSVP Button

The Button is a Grab and Go Code. Copy and Paste that into the MailChimp Template and be sure to test using the MailChimp Testing service before sending it out to your BULK MailChimp list.

This is the Click thru Workflow in Detail.

The RSVP Button is clicked and the Calendar Invite is sent for the event from the Calendarsnack service. We then track all the RSVP interactions with the customers calendar client once they receive it, to include up to the time of the event, since it will be on their calendar and we will be “counting”, any interactions with the invitation.

When you CANCEL the event that you sent to “CREATE@CALENDARSNACK.COM”, we SEND a CANCEL notification automatically to your customers who got the calendar invite from the MailChimp campaign. Currently we have the CANCEL function working. Change and Update will be released later this year.

Detailed Event Reporting per Event.

Detailed reporting on a per event is found in the DashBoard under Count Icon. We track all channels per event and all events.

The Peanut butter and Jelly

Try the Calendar Lander and the RSVP Button for the Same Event. Use the RSVP Button inside the MailChimp. Use the Calendar Lander for the Single Event on your Website or in an personal email. At the end we talk about how the Multi-Event lander Works as an option to display all your upcoming events in one Page with a Signup email box.

Details of the Calendar Lander URL

Included in the Auto Generated Calendar Lander is the Notification Page and RSVP Tracking.

Workflow for the Calendar Lander Page

We offer 4 Pre Built Calendar Lancer Pages with each generated CalendarSnack. Each come with the auto generated Notification Page. You do have the option of using your own notification page.

Details of the RSVP Reporting for the Calendar Landing page

We sort all the data based on the Source. It is possible to use the same Single Calendarsnack for MailChimp, Klaviyo, SendGrid and Convert kit. Those 4 combined with Landing Pages for Single and Multi Event are all recorded in the Reporting for each event.

The Automated CalendarLander comes in a Multi Event Option. It streams the Upcoming 25 Events for one button rsvp sending.

This is the latest feature in the CalenarSnack. Its the Upcoming Event Idea. We automate your next 25 Events into a Streaming Landing Page. When someone use their email name at the top, we enable the “RSVPNOW” Buttons for Single Click RSVPS. We send the Calendar Invites for those they want to attend and track like the Button and Single Event Calendar Lander Pages.

The Multi Event Calendar Landing Page.

You can upload your own Banner to the top of this page as well and can be used on your website for upcoming events, email signatures, email marketing templates and personal email promotions.

The Dashboard can be used to get to all your CalendarSnacks

Traversal in and out of all of your Calendarsnacks can be done in the DashBoard. We keep the state of your Dashboard without logging in.

All events can be seen here

Navigation into all events are done to keep track of all the events you have generated. You can generate them and use them when needed.

All detailed RSVP data in rolled up here into this report.

The COUNT ICON of the Dashboard has the detailed counts of all the data collected across all the channels.

Add to Calendar can be your friend
Workflow Ideas for Fast Create of Multiple Calendarsnacks

You can use this idea when wanting to promote any event by leveraging the “Add to Calendar” and then using command to get a calendarsnack.

Fast and Efficient Calendarsnack Automations

You can use this FUNCTION to get the events onto your calendar and the invite us to AUTO Generate the Calendarsnack to promote with the RSVP BUTTONS and Calendar Landing Pages for calendar invite sending and Tracking.

We track even Doing Nothing

When a Customer requests a calendar invite via the RSVP BUTTON in MailChimp or a Calendar Landing Page we SEND a Calendar Invite.

That calendar invitation is on their calendar and is in a “ready mode”.

Think of it as the best “BUILT IN” reminder there is, since its always there unless they say ‘NO”.

When they do interact with the Button of Yes, Maybe, or No we track.

But its not necessarily BAD your customer does “NOTHING” with it.

They have the opportunity along the way to decide since it technically its an “open invitation” until the event is over and occupies a slot on the Calendar Client.

Your customer will see that calendar invite when they look at the calendar for that time slot. Many customers show up because they decide to go to it last minute because they were “REMINDED” that day when they saw it on their Calendar. Some say YES the day they requested it, but others say YES the day of the Event. Some just show up because they were Reminded that is was a time slot they had open and decided to go. Food for thought.

The Calendar Client remains the best spot for “REMINDERS”.

How to create a RSVP Button for Mailchimp

