CalendarSnack New UI 2023

Greg Hanchin
Published in
4 min readOct 1, 2023
This is the Login Page

TLDR — This is a Upcoming Calendar Invite Landing Page I generated with no code.

A 5 minute live recap

CalendarSnack is $100 per Email address per Year. You can see how it works by inviting us to an event off your calendar client using We send you instructions back to you in 30 seconds.

You get 40+ RSVP Buttons for popular Email Marketing Software, Auto-Generated Upcoming Landing Pages, and up to 500 Calendar Invites by uploading a list.

Organizer Dashboard -View events

In the View Events Dashboard are all calendar invites sent on AWS Simple Email Service. The calendar receipts for the individual emails are collected and tracked for Y, N, or M from the calendar client.

Organizer Dashboard -Send Invites

In the Send Invites are the Options for the individual options. Landing Page is first up. Each time you generate a calendarsnack, we chronologically stream that event to your personalized Upcoming Page.
If you don’t want that event on your Upcoming page, you can cancel it off your calendar client, and we auto-delete it.

Live Preview of Upcoming Landing Page

The buttons on the left are for the Upcoming to toggle off and on the auto-generated information off of your calendar client. There is an option to stream all on the page or highlight the signal event with any remaining events you have sent to has entered her address at the top of the page

When your customer fills in their email address and clicks the button, we send the calendar invite and track each event in the reporting for that organizer.

This example of the right page shows the auto stream below the single event at the top. Since your customer has their email populated, the other available events are just buttons to click to get those calendar invites.

Auto feedback is given in the page itself

Calendar Invites are sent from this page when the buttons are clicked, and the notifications are in line on the page, as seen above.

Mandy has received the individual events to her inbox and can select the status

In this example will determine which ones she wants to reply to after clicking the individual buttons.

This is the email / RSVP Button

In the Email/RSVP Button page are the individual codes for the Email Providers. Click the button, copy the code, and insert it into your provider’s Email template. When the MailChimp button is clicked, we send a calendar invite for that event.

Just below the previous page are the codes that contain our API’s

These APIs include built-in toggle options for the auto-generated Landing Pages configurable in the interface.

Toggle Landing Pages for the Email Providers

When a customer clicks a Call to Action in the email marketing application like MailChimp they are sent the calendar invite and sent to a landing page for notification of the calendar invite is on its way. You can also insert your own re-direct page.

Here is the example of the calendar invite being embedded into this click here in MailChimp

The code can be embedded for the MailChimp Campaign in a few minutes, as in the example above.

This shows the AutoGenerated Landing page once clicked in MailChimp

This example shows the RSVP button in MailChimp and the Landing page workflow.

The last option is the Direct Send of your VIP List

How to send a calendar invite up to 500 people using an email list in 2 minutes.

We have blogged about this option; you can see the instructions here on how it works.

Reporting for all events are gathered into the Reporting Dashboard
Single Event Reporting

This Single event Report contains the ability to “Get the Invitee Report”. The individuals’ details and statuses are in a .CSV report is sent to the organizer’s email.

This is the final Screen which is the details of the individual event

Ok this is a wrap up for this new launch.

Thanks for being a customer!

