MailChimp RSVP Button for sending calendar invites in 30 seconds

Greg Hanchin
Published in
6 min readApr 23, 2022
Simply copy your event off your calendar to us and we send your the RSVP codes for MailChimp

We developed RSVP buttons to be inserted into a MailChimp template in 30 seconds to send and track calendar invites for the event.

When you create a calendarsnack we send you a notification to your email with the auto generated RSVP Mailchimp codes and Landing Pages.

Click here to download this posting into a PDF.

10 seconds to generate and retrieve a calendarsnack

Steps 1 thru 3. We take the data off of your calendar client and send it back to your email address in the calendar snack notification. This part takes 10 seconds.

When you “click the view” button in the notification email you are taken to calendarsnack dashboard for the Email providers and Landing pages. In this first section we are reviewing MailChimp, SendGrid, Conver Kit and Klaviyo codes and how to insert them into your Email Template.

Each of these RSVP buttons contain the codes for sending the calendar invite for your event you generated with the calendarsnack using our API’s.

Workflow between the Calendarsnack console and Mailchimp template

Steps 3 & 4. Copy the code to your clip board and past into your RSVP Button inside your MailChimp Template. You can paste the code into more than one call to action button for a calendar invite to be sent.

You can test the calendarsnack invite in the console and then again in Mailchimp

Steps 5 & 6. You can follow the standard send test method in the MailChimp campaign process to confirm all the data in the calendar invite is correct.

If the data in the calendar invite is not correct you can generate a new calendarsnack and redeploy into Mailchimp.

Calendarsnack supports testing within the Calendarsnack console as well if you wish to test there to insure all the information is correct prior to using the Copy Code into MailChimp.

The customer workflow for the customer

Steps 7 thru 9. Customer clicks RSVP Button in their email and is sent to the auto generated calendarsnack landing page.

A Calendar Invite is sent at the same time for the event to the email address of your customer and tracked in the Calendarsnack dashboard.

Calendar Client data is captured for Y,N,M and available

Step 10. Detailed data is captured in the dashboard for all events generated with Calendarsnack. If Zack changes his mind in his calendar client we collect the change and update the information in the report.

To get a copy of the report for this event, just click the “Get the Report” Button and we send a CSV file back to your email as the event organizer.

We collect and report on all RSVP data collected from the single campaign from all calendarsnack channels used to send calendar invites. That includes all RSVP buttons and Landing Pages used to promote the single event.

This completes the end of the MailChimp Integration of the RSVP Button.

The next sections review automated RSVP landing pages. Just grab the URL and share for 1-Click RSVP of the calendar invite.

We send all your events to the Upcoming landing page for easy RSVP and tracking
The Upcoming Landing page is auto generated and has all upcoming events listed

All events sent to the calendarsnack service are tracked and sorted by date into an Upcoming Landing Page for easy 1-Click Button RSVP.

When you cancel them off your calendar client as the organizer they are removed off the Upcoming Events Page and a cancelation notification is sent anyone who had previously signed up.

The URL is designed to be your personal Landing Page to share in social media for easy RSVP.

All the events are streamed in chronological order. Once the email address at the top is populated the RSVP buttons become active in the page for 1-Click sending of the calendar invites.

When you generate a calendarsnack the future event is sent to the Upcoming page

We use the same technology in the Upcoming Landing page as we do with the RSVP buttons for Email Marketing providers like MailChimp. We track the calendar invites and are able to report which channel is being used.

Every time you generate or cancel a calendar invite and send us a copy we update your Upcoming Events Page

This is the workflow of the steps for Upcoming Events Landing Page. 1 thru 5 are all automated for the user.

Events are copied to email 2. Those events are displayed in order on the Upcoming Landing Page. 3. When the box at the top of the page is populated with a valid email address and the events are selected by clicking the button we send a calendar invite for that event. 4. We collect that data in the reporting console. 5. All the data is available in a CSV File.

This is the Single Event Page review
Access to the Single event Landing pages is in the dashboard
The Single event Landing pages URLS can be copied for RSVP sign up and tracking

The single event landing pages are auto generated every time you use the calendarsnack service. To promote your event, all you need to do is COPY the URL and share it. Each sign up page is uniquely generated that event.

We create 4 options for the single event landing page that you can choose

In the single event landing page, we provide an inline notification the calendar invite has been sent.

All events are tracked by the organizers email address
Example 1 of detailed reporting

All individual events are tracked for calendar invite response and summed up in the dashboard.

Example 2 of the CSV file report

The individual event reporting keeps track of what channel they came from like Email Templates or Landing Pages.

Example 3 — Upcoming Events Landing Page Reporting details

The console provides detailed tracking of the calendar invites and provides access to the RSVP Buttons and Landing Pages for 1-Click RSVP.

Call to action — send an email to
Your own domain view provides details to all your customers events

When you select you own domain, we will set up your own address for your customers to create calendarsnacks. You can insert your own logo into our interface templates and call the service what you want. (it does not need to be

How would it would work? Easy as you picking out your RSVP domain.

We will setup the rest in one hour and send you the access to the main reporting console to so you can track all your events created with your domain.

We can insert your logos into our templates so you will have your own brand to build and promote.

We can deploy the RSVP stack for you in 1 hour or we can give you access to our Cloud Formation Template for your AWS team to deploy in their own account

You could use the service to build out your own community calendar by allowing anyone to send a calendar invite to your domain and that event would be automatically listed in the Upcoming Events for RSVP event tracking as one example.

Thanks for stopping by and checking us out! This is a wrap up on April 23, 2022. My email is

Full Review here

