Sending a Calendar Invite to an Email VIP List in 2 minutes..

Greg Hanchin
Published in
3 min readOct 29, 2023
Seems easy.. .but wait how could I…

For an updated on Upcoming see here -Its now live —

For more info on wanting this tech stack we built with calendarsnack, contact us here for an OEM agreement debreif.

Its is designed for sending 100K+ Calendar Invites a day.

Every time you create a calendarsnack with your calendar client, we auto-add that event to Landing Pages, RSVP Buttons, and the VIP List for 3 Ways to send Calendar Invites and track them.

When you UPDATE or CANCEL them in your Calendar Client registered with the Calendarsnack service, we send updates to the Calendar Invites to customers who have received a calendar invite from the service.

Using your calendar client to interface with a web service? Its really efficent since your calendar client can drive your events from any machine. Any Outlook or Google Calendar event copied to us.

Step One — Create a calendarsnack. Step Two. Login to the Calendarsnack DashBoard to send a calendar invite in one of 3 ways — Pre Built landing Pages, RSVP Buttons with MailChimp, and with a VIP LIST option.

Yep — we are charging now

We have a simple model. $100 Per Email to registar for the service per year. Once you regsiter, you will get access to the data and 3 options to send, track and update calendar invites.

Calendar Client + Dashboard

Your calendar client becomes your interface to creating, and updating or canceling your events.

Think of it as a remote control to the Calendarsnack Dashboard.

Take just one minute to upload

Take you prepared .CSV Email List of up to 500 email Names and up load that into the Choose File window, select the event and SEND IT!

Once your approved customer list is sent we track the receipts in the calendarsnack reporting console. We also track UPDATES and CANCELS.

The reports panel in the console tracks all the various data status of the event.

Including the ability to see the calendar invite list verification, calendar clients and status for the event. If your customer changes the status in their calendar client, we collect that data and update the reporting.

We are communicating with your customer’s calendar clients by collecting any changes from their calendar clients like — Y, N, or M.

Any UPDATES sent from your calendar client registered with Calendarsnack service — we update all your customer’s calendars like DATE Changes, LOCATION DESCRIPTION or CANCEL’s.

