Sending Calendar Invites with your AWS SES account

Greg Hanchin
Published in
5 min readMay 5, 2024
Scared of creating, sending and updating Calendar Invites on AWS?
Data Injection into your AWS account using your calendar client

We automate these six steps in AWS to accelerate sending calendar invites with AWS SES on APIs.

1. Customers use the command in a Calendar Client to create, edit, or cancel a calendar message in the AWS SES messaging pipeline. The calendar client sends a copy of the calendar invite to the S3 Email Box to store the calendar message in its original form in the SES storage layer. If any edits or cancellations are completed in the Calendar Client for that UID event, we update the messaging pipeline.

2. Event Bridge notifies Lambda to pick up a copy of the calendar invite payload and disassembles the calendar invite MIME components of the message body, time start, time stop, UID, and location to store in S3 and Dynamo DB for reassembly. (ETL IN)

3. The Lambda routine generates the Event UID for Dynamo DB, and the Calendar Invite meta artifacts are placed into S3.

4. Event Bridge notifies the UID Lambda API to reassemble the Calendar Invite from S3 with the correct Encoded, MIME TYPE, Multi-Part payload for that Calendar Invite. It validates the EVENT UID translation from Dynamo DB. (ETL OUT)

5. In one of three ways, the calendar invite API command is used in the Calendarsnack dashboard — In an Upcoming Landing Page, a VIP LIST of email names, or an RSVP Button for MailChimp or Klaviyo to send the encoded MIME type calendar invite with AWS SES.

6. Customers are tracked in the API Reporting dashboard for RSVP Calendar Client responses and changes.

Sending Calendar Invites from a Email List

Using AWS Pinpoint Email Lists to send direct calendar invites

The workflow of using AWS Pinpoint Marketing Lists can be integrated using our API’s or any other AWS service that can hand off the email name or email list.

This is how it would look when using the Calendarsnack App.

1.The customer logs into the Calendarsnack App. The SIS APIs supplied for the Calendarsnack Service build out the VUE.APP in the browser in the CDN and start the customer session.

2. Once the customer signs up for the CalendarSnack Service, the customer can proceed to the Dashboard up — no credit card is required.

3. The no-code VIP LIST in this example is selected on the left and is configured to send calendar Invites to the email list in 10 seconds.

The VIP List can be used in marketing campaigns for event selection and sending calendar invites to the email address in the box. Perfect for Calendar Invites Large email Lists of 5K+.

4. The Calendar Invite API call is made to the API gateway to summon a calendar invite from the SIS storage layer for that event. A Lamba assembles the calendar invite for AWS SES transport. This includes proper encoding for the MIME type and multipart for that specific calendar invite UID.

5. Edits, Cancels, or what the Calendar Client considers an Update to the original Calendar Client used to create the event are now registered with the Simple Invite Service UID. If there an update to the Calendar Invite UID the automation Lambda kicks off and updates the information in the database and then resends the calendar invite information through AWS SES using the same process in #4.

RSVP receipts are gathered from the customer’s Calendar Invite until the event ends via the API gateway and stored in an S3 bucket for retrieval.

6. The data for all events are stored for the individual UIDs of the calendar invites and aggregated for the Organizer to view from S3 in the VUE.JS Dashboard that the reporting API calls in the application.

AWS Quick Sight is an alternative to the Vue dashboard to view all events in email owner or domain owner.

Quick View of sending calendar invites to a list

Sending Calendar Invites from Upcoming Landing Page

The Upcoming Landing Page works the same way

The Upcoming Landing page works the same way in processing the sending of calendar invites on AWS Simple Email Service following the same messaging workflow steps with one change in step #3.

# 3 Insert- The no-code Upcoming Landing Page in this example is selected on the left and can be configured using the push pins and toggle buttons. The shareable Upcoming URL can used in marketing campaigns for event selection and sending calendar invites to the email address in the box.

Calendar Invite workflow from and Upcoming Landing Page

These Landing PAges are auto generated with our API’s. All events in the future are streamed to this page for Calendar Invites sending from a shareable URL Page for the that Organizer.

You can see this page live here for the 2024 season for the Colorado Rockies.

The auto generated page
Example of Calendar Invites from Upcoming Landing Page for the Rangers

Calendar Invite data from the organizer

The Organizer User email data view

This calendar invite data is available for all individual events for Email Organizer as the above screenshot.

Calendar Invite Report

Calendar Invite data for the RSVP domain owner

All Domain Calendar Invite data is available from the Simple Invite Service console as seen above in this screen shot.

Updating the Calendar Invite Data in AWS and to customers who are connected to the UID

Calendar Invite edits or cancels in the Calendar Client (A) used with the command will automatically change event information in the Calendarsnack Console and anyone that has received a Calendar Invite from the Email List. For more details see here.

Contact me if you want access to our AWS SAM stack and API kits.

Thanks for stopping by.

