Using Calendar Update to communicate changes to Calendar Snack Invitees

Greg Hanchin
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2022
TL:DR Live Demo of how Update works

We do all the hard work in the background and send out the updated Calendar Invite information to your customers who have said Yes or Maybe.

Using Greg generates the calendarsnack in his Calendar Client

Using the original calendar invitation in your calendar client, you can now update any of the information in your calendar snack event, and your customers will receive the updated data automatically in their Calendar Clients.

We support Subject, Date, Time, Google Meeting, Zoom Meeting, and Description fields for UPDATE.

When you save the changed information in the calendar client, we send out the updated calendar invite to any attendees in the Y or M category.
We mimic how it works with the calendar client, bypassing the need to log in. We keep the service Headless.

In this example, we will show you how Calendar UPDATE makes the process transparent to your end users who have said Yes or Maybe to the event.
So we start the story with a Calendar Snack Lander that was shared already. Two people put emails into the modal, got the Calendar Invites, and responded back.

2 customers have received the calendar invites and now we have a change in the EVENT Date and Time

Greg shares the URL to the Calendar Invite Landing page, and a couple of people get calendar invites and respond to the event in their calendar clients.

The Calendar Landing Page for getting the calendar invite

In this example, the organizer Greg sees in this report that two people have opted into the shared Calendar Landing Page and have been sent a calendar invitation by confirming the detailed reporting page.

In the detailed dashboard, Greg sees the names of the people who have said they are coming to the event and requests the detailed report to his organizer’s email address.

As the event organizer Greg has the option of getting the report in a .CSV sent to him by clicking the button

Greg, the organizer, realizes the event is now changed, and he must notify his current customers that the information has changed.

How does he do this if they have responded to the event?

Easy, he goes back to the original Calendar Event on his calendar, edits, and saves the calendar invite, which starts the UPDATE workflow in the background.

Greg changes and UPDATES his calendarsnack. He changes the time and location.

In this workflow, the customers receive updates in their email boxes with the new information in the calendar invitation, which asks them to respond since it involves time and location changes.

You can see here that when the calendar invite is UPDATED the Calendarsnack Dashboard

In his calendar client, Greg has changed the time to 5:15 and the location to the Colorado School of Mines. The Calendar Landing page is updated each time there is a change pushed.

You can see that we automatically update all the Calendar Landing pages with the UPDATED information

So if someone were to get the new calendar landing page, they would get the correct calendar invitation.

But wait!

What happens to those who already responded to the original calendar invite for 3:30 PM at the Golden Hotel for Buffalo Bill? What happens to them?

See below what it looks like to your customers.

In this case, gets the updated calendar invite, asking her what her status is now, knowing the time and location have changed. (Orange A in UPPER Right is for Amanda).

Mandy’s Email Inbox with new Calendar Invite Update

Mandy sees a big time difference. She indicates Maybe instead of Yes for the 3:30 request.

Zack below is in a different place. He was a MAYBE before, but now sees this as an advantage and says YES to the Invite.

Zack sees the Time change and location as a good thing.

So what’s going on in the back reporting engine? Can Calendarsnack dynamically deal with all the changes? Absolutely!

What? Does that sound crazy?

Well, not really. We follow the calendar specification for sending, updating, and communicating with the calendar clients. CHANGES and UPDATES happen automatically across any of your active events.

So let’s see what’s going on with the detailed reporting below with Updates.

As you can see here in the updated detailed report Mandy is MAYBE and Zack is YES.

All updating is working as indicated by the detailed reporting.

This is the notification email sent to the organizer as a .CSV

It includes details like below.

Details of the .CSV sent of the Event data back to the organizer

So in wrapping up this TL: DR.

How else can I use the UPDATE to help promote my event?

We see it as a way to send out UPDATES in the description area, Dates, Time, Location, or the Google or Zoom Webinar Info if there is a change.

Also, another excellent use case is sending out the UPDATE with the Final AGENDA, or QR code for Coupons for attending, or other trade tricks to ensure people show up.

