Use your calendar client to generate landing pages for sending and tracking calendar invites in 2 minutes

Greg Hanchin
Published in
7 min readDec 17, 2023
Built with AWS

No code was used to generate the Upcoming Landing page with the 100 Spring Training MLB games dates.

The events were automatically streamed to the calendarsnack landing page using a set of APIs we have developed combined with an application we built called calendarsnack to bring the idea to life.

The Landing Page sends individual calendar invites for the events displayed on the page by putting an email in the box at the top and selecting the events for which you want to receive the calendar invites.

How did I get the 100 events on my calendar without typing all the data in?

I synced my Outlook calendar to the MLB Preseason Schedule.

Then, I used the no code command of in my Outlook Calendar Client for the individual games to auto-generate the data for the landing pages in 2 minutes in the Calendarsnack dashboard.

In this demo, I am considered the organizer of the event.

After sending any calendar invites to the email box of, I must register as the “organizer” for the calendarsnack service with the email address used.

QR Upcoming Landing Pages for sending calendar invite promotions

Land Page Automation to send Calendar Invites with Updates to track promotions and collect Calendar Invite Receipts

Simple Invite Service Workflow

Built for scale, the Simple Invite Service (SIS) by 31events can serve millions of calendar invites using an AWS Simple Email Service (SES) account.

The organizer sends the Calendar invite data to the calendarsnack dashboard, and the events are auto-formatted for calendar invite sending.

From the Upcoming Landing Page, the API passes the Calendar invite payload to an email address when called upon, as seen in the MLB landing page demo.

The Simple Invite Service gathers the calendar receipt data from the calendar invites sent from the landing page for the lifetime of the calendar event.

The organizer can change the calendarsnack dashboard, landing pages, and any calendar invites sent with the calendarsnack service using the original calendar invite on the calendar client.

Once the data is in your calendarsnack dashboard account, you can choose how you want the calendar invites sent through a Landing Page, a VIP LIST, or with our RSVP Button technology.

Getting calendar invite data into AWS

Calendar Invites sent to the calendarsnack

We disassemble the calendar invite from the organizer when it is sent to our AWS Simple Email Service (SES) Mailbox of and store it for sending calendar invites within the Simple Invite Service and the calendarsnack application.

We then package the calendar invite data for that event from the storage layer to be sent as a MIME Multi Part message specially configured for a calendar invite to be sent with AWS SES when called upon to the email address provided by the API.

We then track the calendar receipt RSVPs for that event and update or cancel the event all by using the calendar client as the “operator” of the Simple Invite Service.

If you have your own AWS account, we can pass the calendar invite payload to your AWS account, and you can send it with your AWS SES email domain.

We send the calendar invites in this demo through the landing page itself, and in this case, this calls the SIS API for that calendar invite to be sent to that event.

Once the calendar invite has been sent, we track the calendar receipt data from the customer for the status of Y, N, or M in the calendarsnack reporting Dashboard.

Think of it as having your Calendar Server with AWS SES workflows when needed.

In this example, the AWS SES account is ours, called, which the sender owns.

Calendar Invite Pipelines with Simple Invite Service

Calendar Invite Workflow for creating, editing, update, and cancel across the APIs

The calendarsnack invite messaging layer uses the organizer's calendar client to auto-create a calendarsnack account on AWS infrastructure when you send it to our email box at

That sets off the automation layer in the background, preparing the calendar invite data, including sending a notification to the organizer's email address that includes instructions in the email of the next steps for using the calendarsnack product.

At the same time, the calendar invite is ready to be sent in the calendarsnack dashboard under SEND in one of three ways: landing Page, RSVP Button, and VIP LIST.

The APIs are available to integrate our tech stack into your workflow.

Send Invites — For this demo we are using the Landing Page option to Send Calendar Invites

The data from your calendar invite is stored in AWS and can be sent in three ways with the Calendarsnack application.

The APIs and the Calendarsnack VUE.JS app come as part of the OEM kit when purchased to help you get started or use the Calendarsnack “Sampler” to showcase our calendar invite technology.

In this use case, we will stay focused on the Upcoming Landing Page to send calendar invites in the Calendarsnack application.

No Code Upcoming Landing Page Automation

The API keys can be configured for your own SES accounts to transport the packaged calendar invites to be sent under your email domain in Route 53 and use your AWS SES configurations in AWS PinPoint for Email Lists.

If you need help, we can develop a strategy for you to send calendar invites to your SES email lists.

We have customer data on how they use calendar invites in B2C cases.

Configuring the Upcoming Landing Page

I now have the 100 events streaming to my Upcoming Landing Page in date order.

But how do I insert some banners and logos to make it look official?

How I configured the Upcoming Landing Page

Optional but already for deployment out of the box

You can add your background image and a logo by using the save image address and copy the URL into the configuration box as in this example.

I used this Copy Image address for this banner and copied it into the Upcoming Landing Page generator.

I then configured the Toggle Buttons to complete this phase, copied the clicked open page in a new tab, and captured the URL for promotions.

Calendar Invite Sending from the Landing Page

Once your customer inserts their email address at the top of the landing page and selects the individual events, they will receive the calendar invites in their email box to track.

If anything changes, we update the dashboards and calendar invites sent to customers with the Simple Invite Service.

Calendar Invite Data from the events

The reports that you see below were emailed from this dashboard

The file is emailed to the provisioned user under the organizer email address by clicking the get invitee report. The below screen has the details on what these look like.

Individual Calendar Receipt Reports from AWS

Detailed Reporting for each of the Events are provided

If the data changes from the organizers Calendar Client we collect and change that data in the dashboard and the . CSV reports.

Owning your RSVP domain for branding and sending calendar invtes

The domain owner has access to all events

The domain owner can access the calendar invite data by user and event in the main dashboard. In this example, it is

In your example, under your domain, you would have

The calendarsnack dashboard contains over 1 Million Calendar Invite sends, and a whole bunch of data gathered from 4000 customer free trials that supports sending a calendar invite is better than sending four reminder emails. Contact us if you want the meta report on this.

How can the Calendar Invite be Re-Invented for B2C?

Auto Landing Page Generation for Sending Calendar Invites

We are on the right track by supporting AWS Simple Email Service with the SIS API to send Calendar Invites following the IETF Calendar specification.

This includes the correct MIME type and multi-part support needed to be taken seriously within the Global Infrastructure of SMTP at Google, Microsoft, and others for GMAIL and Outlook clients.

See our posting on how to send Calendar Invites using a List and the Simple Invite Service (SIS). It should be launching by Jan 1, 2024.

Sending Calendar Invites to a VIP LIST

Sending a small batch of direct calendar invites from a list of 500 in 2 minutes.

