What are Stakes in Bounty Program?

Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2018

Calendollar — a blockchain powered event management, marketing and social media platform has announced Pre-Sale of CLND smart tokens and Bounty Campaign on BitcoinTalk. Generally Stakes is one of the most confusing weightage of work given to bounty hunters to explain this we have used one of the users answer from BitcoinTalk itself

Stakes are a means of measurement. let’s say Company A is releasing token B and there are 8 people in their bounty campaign, they have allocated 1million tokens for this.
lets say person 1 has 1300 stakes, person 2 has 500 stakes and the rest of the people combined have 4000 stakes.

Then the total would be 5800 stakes

(1 million / 5800)*amount of stakes you have. in case of person 2 that will be : 1 million/5800*500 = 82,6k of token B.

A campgain will only reward you with the tokens of the company they promote or they should specify otherwise.

The comment above is talking about POS which is also a system of stake. Stake would be best defined as a share you hold.
example: ‘’JP Morgan discredits Bitcoin because they have a stake in taking it down.’’
‘’I don’t like to see my investments going down cause I have a direct stake in them and would lose money.’’
‘’I have staked my coins and now can’t acces the funds but I by having this share I get rewarded with more of the same coins (POS).’’

So POS = Proof of Stake and it means that you submit an amount of coins that become inaccesible untill you cancel the staking to receive more of the same coin and also help that same coin being able to run the network of transactions.

We could have wrote a full length professional article on this, but a regular investor knows is way easier than a ghost writer.

Now no more confusions. Go check out our bounty program and grab some stakes : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3217571




Blockchain Powered Event Management and Marketing Platform for more info visit : https://calendollar.com