Top 10 Libertarian Picks on Netflix in 2017

Let’s take a look at our favorite Netflix shows that are must watch for Libertarians!


10. Glow

Girl Power is back, with this fiction based on fact TV show featuring women ready to do things there way in the world of wrestling. “Don’t tell me what to do” resonates so well in this much binge watch series!

9. Shot in the Dark

Follow “Stringers” through the night, as they chase breaking news stories in the TMZ (Three Mile Zone) of Los Angeles. Nothing features the free market more than these crews, fighting for the story, before the competition closes in.

8. Confession Tapes

Should States and Federal Government impose death penalty? After seeing these stories of police coerced confessions, your anti-death penalty views will surely be reinforced.

7. Wormwood

Remember MK-ULTRA? Follow Eric Olsen retelling the story (in DocuDrama format) of his father’s untimely death, and the plots that unfolded a CIA coverup into one of the US Government’s most embarrassing incidents in recent history.

6. El Camino Christmas

Is it crazy to think that police make up stores, to hide their own shortcomings? Watch as an “unknown” person visits a small town, and gets wrapped up in an unfounded drug dragnet. Both funny and serious, this movie will have you laughing one moment, and re-instilling your destain for the state the next.

5. One of Us

What happens when you no longer wish to be part of a group, but leaving that group means retaliation the likes of which breaks all personal liberties? Follow these three former Hasidic Jews and they attempt to re-adjust to life outside of this very secretive group.

4. Saving Capitalism

This documentary is anything but what it’s title implies. The best thing a Libertarian can do, is know how people with contrary views think about the issues. Watch as Robert Reich attempts to explain away the absurd progressive liberal views of our time.

3. Get Me Roger Stone

Ready to win elections? Wondering how the Republicans have done it for years? Watch this documentary!

2. Icarus

The Olympics have show the best of the best for over 100 years. But that all changed with the confession and sudden disappearance of the most well respected anti-doping doctor in Russia. This accidental documentary of one of the most elaborate doping scheme in history will change your views on professional sports forever.

1. Long Shot

Wrong place, wrong time? Check. Circumstantial evidence? Check. Young Minority? Check. Watch as the LA District Attorney and LAPD do everything in their power, except follow the law, to charge a man with murder, and the only person who can save him is, Larry David? This true story will break your heart, and remind you why you are Libertarian.



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