The Official 2019 International Childfree Day Gift Guide.

The tradition is back, and we brought wine!

Brit McGinnis
CALL: Childfree and Loving Life


Source: Pixabay.

August 1st is International Childfree Day.

Last year, we here at CALL came together to put together a gift guide for this fabulous day. Because why not? We’re fab too!

In a world where parenthood is celebrated and everyone’s freaking out over the global birth rate, this is the day where we can celebrate those of us who’ve made this choice lovingly.

Roll with the FAQs:

“Why should childfree people get presents? They haven’t done anything.” Because we get called selfish, shallow, self-absorbed, unnatural, cold, bitchy, etc. on pretty much a weekly basis. Just for not reproducing.

“What are parents supposed to do during that day?” Same thing I do on Mother’s Day: Honor the people to whom it applies.

“What about infertile/childless people?” They get a week in April and ALL THE HUGS.

“Aren’t you endorsing hatred of children?” No, I’m endorsing the idea of Only 100% Willing Parents.

Okay, FAQ over. On with the prezzies!

Tasty bubbly subscriptions.



Brit McGinnis
CALL: Childfree and Loving Life

Copyeditor. Copywriter. Community Manager. Your horror hostess. Writer of romance novels. Golden Rose Judge. Cited Cruella de Vil expert. Feeder of crows.