Are you ready?

React Native EU is coming!

Mike Grabowski
Callstack Engineers
2 min readAug 31, 2017


It’s less than a week to React Native EU first edition. I am really excited that we are all going to see each other next week! We are working hard to make your stay in Poland best time in your life.

Below is a couple of updates what to expect in few days.

Workshops are sold out

Our workshops sold out blazingly fast! We keep receiving questions regarding last-minute passes. Looks like everyone likes our idea of “university”. With our pass, you are free to attend any class at any given time. We are starting on September 4th, 9am in the morning with general introduction to React Native. Don’t miss it — it will be easier for you to follow lectures on the next day.

26 speakers, best in the industry

This year we are pleased to host 26 speakers. After being part of jury that selected speakers out of call for papers — I now understand how hard this can be. We have received dozens of great proposals. Looking at the conference scene this year, I am sure we have one of the best lineups out there. Tickets are still available. If you haven’t decided yet — ask me on Twitter and I’ll make you want to go here!

Of course, there will be panel

No conference can be done without having a Q&A panel with the team, right? With our panelists — Tal Kol (Wix), Eric Vicenti (Facebook), André Staltz — you will not leave the venue with any questions remaining unanswered! Prepare questions, it’s an open Q&A and we don’t have any time restrictions.

Get ready for the party

One of the selling points of the conference is that attendees will get to know how the famous Polish party looks like. With our awesome grill bar, river and of course — drinks — things can’t go wrong. Don’t worry, we have carefully designed the formula and menu to meet all attendees preferences. What a perfect time to socialise after first day of the conference, right?

That’s it for now. I hope that you have already booked your flight and sorted all the accommodation. Hit us up with any questions and don’t forget to tweet from your way to Poland! It will be fun to see how easy / hard (?) it can be to get here.



Mike Grabowski
Callstack Engineers

Co-Founder at Callstack, React Native developer. Dealing with timezone differences between Europe and USA. Writing with ❤ from Poland. Moving to LA soon 🤞